Chapter 1: Up and Away

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Chapter 1: Up and Away

Elizabeth's POV:

Trying to walk as fast as you can when people are chasing you, it really changes how you think of things.  It makes you realize that people standing in the middle of the street, and walking slowly are even more anoying then you ever though possible.

Like seriously? I'm trying to get away from people, with guns, chasing me. Like could you walk with a purpose? It's like we're in high school again. I'm trying to escape here! But no, take your sweet time. Please, by all means.

"Excuse me," I ask people as I pass them, trying to not be too obvious.

  I can hear them behind me talking on their coms, "She's headding north up Third Street we are in pursuit."

Dang it!  They seriously won't leave me alone, this is like the third time this month.  I'm sick of relocating.  I flick my wrist and send out a little wave to knock out their coms, and send out a loud ringing in their ears.  I can hear them groan in pain.  Itake off at a faster pace now that they are distracted and turn the corner down an ally.

Down the ally is a fire escape ledge three stories up the side of the left side buliding.  I look around really quick to make sure no one followed me or is down the ally.  With no one is sight I quickly unfold my wings, run a little bit for momentum and push down off the ground.  With that one quick push I'm up on the ledge by the window.  I fold my wings in and climb in the abandoned apartment. 

I get away form the window as fast as I can so they don't see me, and sure enough a team comes down the ally in search of me.  I stay quite in case either of them have the ability or the tools to hear this far away.  With my own abilities I can hear them down below in the ally.

"Negative, nothing down this way.  Moving on to Forth."  I hear them moving on to the next street. I don't breath a sigh of releif just yet, you never know with people like them.  I wait for 15 minutes, until I move about freely in my apartment.

I walk in to the bedroom and grab my pack, I stuff a few extra clothes in it, and carry it into the kitchen.   I put some lightweight food into it and walk over to the closet by the front door.  Inside the closet is my jacket that I shrug on, I slide my wings through the slots I cut in the back of the jacket, so I could move my wings in and out freely, a couple times so they smooth out and fold them into my body.  I reach back into the closet and pull out my weapons.

I know what your thinking, "Weapons? Where could she have gotten those? She's on the run?" Well when you are on the run from people who are trying to kill you or something to that extent, you tend to find the need to protect yourself.  So I went to some blacksmith shop in Europe when I was hiding there and made them, the blacksmith there was very kind.

My weapons consist of my bow and arrows, which I am VERY good at, almost Hawkeye good, I also have three throwing knives, one in each boot and one hidden in my pack, lastly I have a knife strapped to my belt with a holster.  I don't carry guns because they are just too much and I don't have enough room in my pack, and I already am streaching how much weight I can carry.  

I can't carry a lot because if I carry a lot I won't be able to fly, my bones and body already don't weigh much so I can fly, I'm only like 90 pounds. But while I'm only 90 pounds I can still lift like 3 times my weight an added bonus to the whole mutant bird thing.

With my weapons in place I walk into my kitchen with my pack one last time so I can get some food before I leave.  I pull out some cans of ravioli and a fork I get through about three cans before I hear people down below coming into the building.

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