Chapter 6: I stay in a cell for far to long

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Chapter 6: I stay in a cell for far to long

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

Way to long. That is the answer.

The minute we landed in the helicopter they put a bag over my head, and moved me to the cell I'm in now. I have no idea how long I've been in this room, my sleep schedule is all wacky now. I haven't had anybody come by except to give me food.

And there is no camera.  What the heck?! Now I can't do anything, it's extremely boring. there is only the light and that does nothing, all I've been doing with it is changing the color and turning it off and on. I tried to trace it the minute I got into the room but it led to a solar panel.  And there is no lights outside of my cell, the light is the only form of energy as far as my powers can reach, and that's pretty far.

They were prepared this time and it's really pissing me off. These people are way to smart.

Well kinda smart, they gave up watching me to keep me here, that was kinda dumb. But what ever works for you.

The food schedule is also off so that doesn't help me to figure out how long I've been here, they are really rude people. They also don't let me bathe, that's the really rude part. That's going to be the first thing I'm going to ask for a shower because I smell if I'm going to be honest.

If I ever get out of here.


I don't know how much longer I sit in that room, but i know it is to long. When they finally open the doors I'm facing the other way doing yoga, it's very relaxing when you are stuck in a cell.

I could hear multiple people coming down the hallway which meant that I was going to leave since no more than two people have ever come down the hall before. Thank goodness, I'm sick of this. There is not any electronics on them that's going to make it a little harder to escape I guess. That's just great, I need to get out of here. Hydra already found me once, it's not to long now.

I bend down and place my hands on the ground and put my feet in the air. I open my eyes and look at the door and surprise surprise there is Nick Fury standing in the doorway with his whole posy right behind him.

I sigh and lift one hand off the ground. "So kind of you to visit. I've been so lonely without company."

"Well we are happy to comply." Nick says as he walks further into the room, "Now we need you to come with us."

"Ya well I need a shower," I say back putting my feet on the ground and facing them with my arms crossed.

"Excuse me?" Nick asks raising his one eyebrow at me.

"You heard me I need a shower. You've kept me locked up here for so long that I smell really bad and I'm sick of it. I need a shower." I tell him.

"Well you can't have a shower right now we have other business to attend to." he says firmly.

"Whatever, but the minute that I can, someone better take me to shower cause I don't know about you but i don't even want to be near me." I say as I sick my hands out towards them and gesture my head at my out stretched hands.

 Nick looks at Tony and he just shrugs with a look of humor on his face. Nick sighs and flicks his hand towards me, some men come through the door and handcuff me with basic handcuffs (like the ones in cop shows,  ya know). They surround me and keep some hands on me and walk me out of my cell.

The people still on the outside of the door part and walk right next to us, but instead of walking the way that I normally hear people walking from we turn and walk down the hallway in the opposite direction. Well there goes my chances of escaping, if we are traveling further away from energy with three squads around me I'm diffidently not going anywhere soon. We keep walking down the hall and soon we walk to door and Nick pulls out a key to unlock the door. We walk in the room and they un-cuff me, just to re-cuff me to the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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