Chapter 4: Crap

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Chapter 4: Crap
Elizabeth's POV

Once the lights go out I face the door and flick my fingers sending a wave of energy knocking out the security system for the door, so Natasha can't get in. I hear Fury reach to pull out a gun from under his shirt and I reach across the table and knock the gun out of his hands as he pulls it out. The gun goes across the room and I put my hands on the table and swing my body around the table sticking my leg out hoping to kick Fury in the head in the dark room.

My kick hits home and I knock Fury out with the power behind my kick. I can tell he lands back in his chair by the noise he makes as I come back around to land on my feet on my side of the table. Once I land I go over to where I think the gun went after I hit it out of Fury's hands.

Once I find it I walk over to Fury and check him for any more weapons as best I can in the dark room. I find a knife and another gun on him in my search and I put the knife into my boot and study the energy coming off of the guns. I can tell one is just and icer and one is a normal gun. I put the icer in my belt and I dismantle the real gun.

Once I'm done with that I run to a corner of the room where i had seen an air vent earlier when I was just sitting there. As I reach the corner I hear Natasha in the corridor talking into a com to the other Avengers who were in the viewing room.

"I can't get in. She fried the circuits, my card isn't working and the room is sound proof. Get here now, she has nowhere to go."

"Were on our way." Someone responds.

Hearing that I start to move a little faster. I position myself where I think the vent is and jump. I reach up and grip onto the holes in the vent. I pull myself up till my feet are against the ceiling and I push against the ceiling pulling the vent loose. I flip around landing on my feet with the vent in my hands.

I prepare my self to jump up to the now hole in the ceiling when i hear lots of feet running down the corridor straight to my room. Gees these people are fast! I tuck the vent under my arm and jump up again. I reach into the vent with one hand and hang on to the inside of the air vent. I pull the vent cover up into the vent and I pull the rest of myself into the vent.

The vent is actually has a lot more room than i had at first anticipated. It could fit a whole other person right next to me. I pull the vent cover out and put it back onto the whole in the ceiling so they can't tell I went this way and as I start to crawl away I hear them arrive at the door to my cell. I can't hear them as well now that I'm in the vents and crawling away from them as fast as I can but I catch a few words.

" there...can't open..."

"...move out...blow open..."

Blow open? What do they mean by that? Wait. But its to late and I feel the effects of the blast even though I'm a few rooms away now. It lays me flat and my ears start to ring a little. I lift my head up and my eyes are a bit blurry, which doesn't matter much since the lights are out. I start to crawl again but I don't move as fast.

With my ears still ringing I can't hear anything from the room, and soon i realize that I'm just crawling around blindly. I lock onto the mainframe and trace it to the building plans. I need to get my stuff then I can get out of this horrible place. I find where they're keeping my stuff and start to move in the right direction.

As I'm crawling through the vents I can hear people under me in a scramble running around, trying to regain control. At one point I could hear a squad of soldiers running right under me and I stopped crawling for a second in fear of them hearing me, and once they passed I started to move a little faster than I had before.

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