Chapter 3: I May Have Pissed Someone Off

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Chapter 3: I May Have Pissed Someone Off
Elizabeth's POV:
I woke up my head throbbing from the hit I had taken, and that caused my little nap.  I groan and move to rub the spot that's soar only to stop just before they reach the back of my head. I look down to see my hands chained to the table with a long chain in between.

I huff in annoyance and take in my surroundings. I'm stuck in a plain white room, the only thing in the room is the table I'm sitting at, a chair across from me, and multiple fancy looking cameras they have set up in the room.

An interrogation room, what a surprise.

I blow a piece of hair away from my face before I lean back in my chair and keep my eyes moving around the room while still trying to focus on anything that i can control. The cuffs they have on my are non-electronic, no surprises there. The first real point of energy I can sense comes from the light bulbs and the cameras.

I can tell they used a different kind of energy than normal, well anything. They don't know what my reach is or what I can really do. That's why they are afraid of me and it's really not that bad, I mean I haven't done anything bad.

I easily use the different power source they gave me and felt the energy trace back to a huge power mainframe. It's been a while since I've seen one this big. Heck, I think it's the biggest I've ever felt, and HYDRA's was huge. All the data that is going through their system is crazy! I'm overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of information and pinpoint the exact line that carries
my interrogation. I trace it and it showed that it's being recorded and shown right now. No shock there really, they record every interrogation. I've watched a couple, they're pretty entertaining.

I follow the line to find the security cameras of the viewing rooms and look to see who's all watching me right now as I just sit alone in my room.

I tap into the feed and my mind is directly connected to the room and it's feed. I can see everyone there, and when I say everyone I mean everyone. All of the Avengers, old and new, Loki, the x-men. Like seriously I didn't do anything to get this much attention.

I found the feed right in the middle of a heated argument that everyone in the room seems to be contributing to.

"She's one of us. We deserve to talk to her." Wolverine was saying, practically yelling.

"We don't know what she's capable of. She could be dangerous. We're not giving her to anyone." Scarlet tells him, speaking in a calm voice.

"She's a person." Steve says fuming.

"She's a liability." Tony says standing up.  It looked like he had been sitting back the entire argument until right now, "We don't know anything about her, only what she has chosen to show us, and what she's shown us is not helping her case much. We know nothing so she's staying here until we can find out more."

"And what gave you the right to decide what to do with her?" said a voice off screen. "Like you said, you know nothing about her."

"I know enough." Tony bits back.

"But do you? If you did than you'd understand that she's never actually killed anyone. I've looked though your reports, she's never gone looking for real trouble, she leaves minimal damage, and never kills anyone. Ever. So I ask, do you really know her enough to decide her fate and take her life in your hands?"

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