Chapter 5: Oops

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Chapter 5: Oops
Elizabeth's POV

I walk down the hallway being escorted by what feels like everyone on the base. When Tony found us he pulled out these special looking cuffs that the put around my wrist. Tony had the biggest smug little look on his face when he put them on, like he was so proud of himself. He made some comment after he put them on but I wasn't listening i was already hacking the cuffs.

It was something about, you'll never get away now or something. Well jokes on you Stark, I'm already out, ha!

But now i have to wait my time until i can really escape because of their whole 'faster than the speed of light' dude goin' on. I'm never going to get past that guy without a distraction and who knows when that's going to come along. So I'm just gunna keep walking with these people to who knows where.

Meanwhile as I'm walking Steve is just casually holding my arm. That's sarcasm by the way, he has a death grip on it, i think I'm literally loosing circulation to my fingers, my hands are blue.

Why is he holding on so tight I'm literally in handcuffs, granted they are turned off, but they don't know that, so why is he holding on so tight. I can't go anywhere.

I lean closer to him and whisper,"Hey so I know I'm like in big trouble and stuff but I think I'm losing circulation in my hand since it's blue, but if you don't want to that's fine I just kinda want to keep my hand and since you're so strong it kinda hurts and now I'm rambling aren't I..."

He looks down at me surprised that I talked and then looks down at my hands seeing the blue and let's go. I rub my hand trying to get circulation back to my fingers. "Thanks," I whisper avoiding eye contact.

"Welcome," he whispers back.

I keep rubbing my hand because it takes forever for me to regain circulation for some reason. I think it's one of my bird thing problems. Like the fact that I can't be cold like ever or else bad things happen with the extent of my powers.

They shorten up and I can get a hold of them. It doesn't end good for me or the people I'm trying to save.

Any way as I try to get my fingers moving I hear a noise far off in the base that sounds like an explosion. I stop and try to listen to tell if what I actually heard was real or if I just imagined it when I'm hit in the back and fall.

I can see floor and know I'm about to eat floor when I'm caught and my trip stops short. I'm put back onto my feet and meet the eyes of Captain America. I give him a silent thank you with my eyes as he looks at me confused.

I turn around to see who hit me and it turns out to be Mr. Speedy Gonzales. "Why did you stop?" He asks me.

"Didn't you hear that?" I ask.

"Hear what? There was noth-"

But I don't hear the last of his sentence as I hear another blast this time closer. But following this one I hear all the coms go off.

"Attention everyone. The base is being bombed by HYDRA. I repeat the building is being bombed. Everyone get out qui-" but the man is cut off as another bomb is heard this time much closer, so close that I know everyone heard it. After the noise I can hear the sound of the dead com ringing.

My blood runs cold. He died, they all died and HYDRA is here. There is no other reason they would be here, but for me. They killed all those people because of me.

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