Chapter 2: Why Me?

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Chapter 2:  Why Me?

Elizabeth POV:

I flew for a day and a half, with two 2 hour breaks for food and one 6 hour for sleep.  I went down when I found a big city that I could get lost in easily.  I was really tired and I needed food really bad.  I touch down in the woods on the outskirts of a big town, I walk the remaining way into town so I don't draw any attention.  I feel like if a girl comes flying into town with wings on her back that may draw a bit of unwanted attention.

When I get into town my first stop is an ATM machine.  Yes I know I said I don't have any money, but that's the truth.  I also can control anything electronic, so you get what I'm saying.  And yes I stole from Target I know I said that that was before I found out that I could use my powers to get money out of the machines. 

Anyways I get some money out of the machine and start walking towards the nearest fast food place.  I find a Wendy's and head on inside.  I order my food an go, not getting many weird looks as I walk out of the store with three bags of food.  I find a park near and settle down at a bench I take two of my bags and put them in my bag, I take the last bag and eat what's in it.

When I'm done with that I head out to find the nearest hotel I can stay the night in before I go scoping for potential housing that I could have for maybe a month before I'm found again.  I find a hotel and walk inside, the lady at the front desk gave me my key and asked, "Are you a traveler, you really don't seem to be from around these parts."

"Ya, I'm just traveling I want to explore the world and I was told this was a good place to go," I tell her, hoping she would tell me where I am.

"Well, this is a very good place to visit, but be careful it's really easy to get lost here in Denver."

"Well I'll make sure to carry a map, thank you, and good night." I tell her.  I really hope it's easy to get lost here that's what I need.

"Good night, hopefully your time here is long," She says back.

I just smile, and say "Me too."

I walk to my room and put my pack down, and pull out the rest of my food.  When I finish my food I head into the bathroom and clean up making sure to wash all of the blood off of what was my arrow wound, courtesy of the arrow shooting assassin.  I make sure that all of the blood is washed off, now that all that is left of the wound.  Oh ya, I forgot.  I may, or may not, be able to heal very very fast, just FYI.  It actually comes in real handy. When I'm done with my shower, I pull out my last clean outfit and walk back into my room.

I grab the shirt that I had tossed down before my shower and look at he tear that the arrow cut and sew it back together, only having a couple shirts with me I really need do need to keep them in good shape.  I grab all of my clothes and walk out to the washing machine that the hotel has. I put my dirty clothes in and start the load.

I hop on top of the washer and set my bag down next to me, I pull my laptop out from my bag and turn it on.  Yes I have a laptop even on the run, I also stole this on my Target heist, actually I stole most of my stuff on my Target heist but that's besides the point.  My laptop is basically my life line, I mean I can control electronics so I'm very good at hacking into things and what hacker doesn't have a laptop? Not this one.

I check the news to make sure nobody spotted a weirdly large bird flying across the United States.  After I made sure that nobody had spotted me I went onto hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D.  I know what your thinking, I'm crazy I shouldn't be hacking into a place that wants to kidnap me, but it's ok.  I can control electronics, I just install a program from my computer that messes with their tracking making it impossible to find my computer and in the end me, sometimes I think I'm so smart.

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