Q&A? Q&A.

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~xoAutumnLayHxo Speaking~

So I was tagged (again) by @Winter_HTTYD with questions and questions

yaa so I'll start like what I did to my last challenge


Do you like someone?

Yes you guys already knew... Don't say that you don't know it's obviously written in almost every chapter in this book... Darren Espanto


Do they like me?

How would I know, depends the way the act around me


Middle name?



Single or Taken?

In this book, Taken (obviously) in reality... SINGGGLLLLLLLEEEEE


Last person texted?

Winter or @Winter_HTTYD


Last song I listened to?

What do you mean by Justin Bieber


Battery %?


Girl bestfriend?

@Winter_HTTYD, @PricklyGamer, @LailaLexie @Shelbies14, @OtakuAhruGal
@Neko-chankawaii (sorry if it's incorrect), @The_Mood_Swings,


Guy bestfriend?

(I'm only giving them their nicknames to keep it personal)

JM C, Josh D, Lance M, Jung O, Josh S, Jim E, Simon T, JC M, Sam U, Daunwill R,


Fav OTP? (One true pairing)



Why I made my account?

Well the time when I started to like and ship Hiccstrid.

When I download a lot of photos and videos of them until I was wondering if there's still more.

So I was wondering what if there's Hiccstrid in Wattpad.

So I download the app then made a account and search my OTP and found out that there are a lot of books about them.

I continue to read and write and Wattpad became part of my life


Current Lockscreen?

"A flower does not think of competing with the other flower next to it. It just blooms"



February 7 2002


So that's it!!

I tag...


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