Chapter Two

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I stood there in the middle of the forest, biting my lip nervously. I could just imagine the amount of trouble that I was gonna get in if JJ dared opened his mouth.

So I stayed where I was and just trained myself, going over the moves and special top secret techniques that Xavier had taught me. Eventually, I realised I wasn't getting anywhere on my own and school was in like twenty minutes so I just picked up my bag from the floor to go home.

My heart raced as I neared the house, hoping JJ would t be as cruel. Dad had already warned me that there was no way I was gonna receive Alpha training. He never actually said why but all I know was that it was a big fat N-O.

I pushed open the huge oak doors, bracing myself for the grounding that I was gonna get. But I only saw several pack members that were walking around, nodding their heads respectfully towards me.

But no sign of my parents. Phew. 

But then I heard footsteps from upstairs. "Scarlett Jayde Tazer! Come upstairs!" I heard my mom yell.

I winced. Guess I relaxed a little too early. And she'd used my full name. Not good. 

I made a quick mental note to kill JJ in his sleep. The snitch.

I made my way upstairs slowly, my head hung. JJ was leaning on his doorframe looking puzzled. "What did you do now?" He mouthed. 

I stared back at him "You didn't tell?" I whispered. He frowned and shook his head. "It's not my secret to tell." He replied.

I breathed a little, maybe she was just telling me off about not doing a chore or something. I opened my parents bedroom door slowly.

Kaden and Candi (or CeeCee) were playing on mom and dad's bed, dad was sat on his arm chair, frowning and mom was stood there, her arms folded.

"Where were you?" Mom automatically demanded. My heart beat even faster. "Uhm, at the mall. I told dad." I lied. 

"Who did you go with?" 

"Bella and Misty."

Mom folded her arms. "Two lies in a row." She stated. "Wha-" 

"The mall doesn't open until seven and Bella and Misty came upstairs to ask where you were."

Oh crap.

Should I just tell them the truth?

Dad stood up suddenly. "Ray, let her go. School's about to start. We'll discuss this properly after school." He said sternly. 

"But me, Misty and Bella have to go to Courtney's -"

"Scarlett. You come home straight after school. Got it?"

"Got it." I said, resisting the urge to roll my eyes at him. I loved my dad to bits but sometimes he could be so frustrating!

I turned to leave as Kaden and CeeCee yelled bye at me. I sighed and made my way downstairs where the twins and the chaufeer was waiting for me. As the Alpha's children, we're not supposed to be treated like everyone else apparently. Bella and Misty got treated differently too because Bella's dad was the Beta and Misty still had Alpha blood in her even though hers wasn't as strong.

I climbed into the back of the car and sulked all the way into school. The twins tried to cheer me up but I was having none of it so they just left it.

I stormed out of the car, all the Weres parted carefully out of my way. I hated the way no one understood what I what I wanted.

I folded my arms and clamped my lips together. No one even bothered to say hi to me. They knew i'd snap them in half. Even the teachers knew better than to speak to me.

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