Chapter Four

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**filler story, it's kinda short and riddiculously crappy but it's so I can just skip bits and bobs just to get to the good bit already. The next chapter is when everything takes off!**

After a while, we finally got to their pack house. It was pretty big but it was a garden shed compared to the one back home. I immediately started having doubts about staying in this place.

Hardly anyone greeted me and and the most I got was a slight nod and that's it. On every face was marked some kind of sullen feel. Not even the kids were laughing and playing. They all just lolled about on armchairs or whatever.

"Here we are. Welcome to the Black Crescent pack, Scarlett." Rocky smiled. I forced back a smile. "Are there any kids my age?" I asked hopefully.  

"Well, I have a daughter but she's twelve. And she doesn't live in the pack house. There's my brother Ryan's kids but they're a holy terror wouldn't go near them." 

He thought again. 

This really wasn't going too well for me.

"There's Ryriam's kids but they're away on holiday..."

I honestly wanted to smack him in the face. Why was he gonna get my hopes up just to crush them again. And plus, I refuse to stay here if there are no people my age. I'm what they call a Social Butterfly. Well, when my temper isn't acting up.

Rocky suddenly clicked his fingers "My best friend, Colin's son! But he's seventeen but that's the closest here to your age." 

"Great! Where is he?"  

"I have no idea. You''ll meet him later, I promise. But right now why don't I show you your room?"

Again, I could have just whacked him around the head. But I had to stay sane.

He led me upstairs and suddenly my nose tingled. I could smell someone that I know's scent on the landing. It was faint but I knew it was someone's. I sniffed again.

It smelt like...Mom...and JJ?

I followed my nose and then stopped outside one of the rooms. I could smell them stronger now. But I knew they weren't behind the door, instead it was like they'd already been here before...

"Ah! No, no Scarlett. Not there!" Rocky said grabbing my wrist that hovered above the door knob. "Why does it smell like my mom and brother?" I asked, confused as he led me down further the hallway quickly. 

"I dunno. Maybe you're missing them?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. There was something he was hiding in that room. I was gonna find out, no matter what.  

I walked inside my new room, it wasn't really anything special, and I suddenly missed home. But I guess I was too proud to turn back.

"Yeah, so you've got a shower, bed, brand new clothes in that drawer that haven't been worn before so make yourself at home. I'll send someone up to call you for dinner."

I smiled and gave him a thumbs up "Thanks." 

As soon as he left, I dropped the smile and then threw myself on the bed.  

So I've just run away from home and was now at another pack house. Isn't my life so damn fabulous.

I turned over and looked up at the ceiling. 

"There's no going back now, Scar." I said to myself. My tears welled up again and this time, slid down my cheeks miserably. Despite my family making me feel so worthless I pulled out my phone from my back pocket.

(17) missed calls Mom 

(23) missed calls Dad

And then I got a bunch of text messages that came in every second. All these people from my family calling fractically. I guess they only cared when I'm gone. 

I kept my phone on silent and shoved it under my pillow.

Then I concentrated on Breeze to connect to her with the mind link.

"SJ? Where are you?!"

"Look, I'm fine. Tell mom and dad not to worry but the thing is...I'm not coming home. They just wanted JJ to lead. They got their wish." I replied.

But before she could say anything, I blocked my mind. Just hearing her voice made me burst into tears again. I knew i'd made such a big mistake but there was nothing I could do about it now.  

Mom survived the whole running away thing for like five years. I could do at least two weeks.

I sighed miserably again and then turned over and buried my face in my pillow. "I hate my life!" I screamed into it, kicking my legs like a three year old.  

"Now, now, sweetheart. Don't go thinking that." Rocky said. He was getting so annoying right now. I kinda wished dad would burst in and just knock his back teeth in or something.

I sniffed and sat up, wiping my tears with my sleeves. "Sorry, my teenage brain's a little crazy." I lied. Rocky laughed "Well, come on then. A full course meal should get your mind working again."  

If the food is anything like the house, I highly doubt it.

And man was I right. All the food was just lay in one huge long table and everyone just basically ran in and grabbed what they wanted which kinda repulsed me because I was used to the whole regal treatment back home.

I stood there as the food disappeared before my eyes slowly.  

"C'mon, sweetheart, dig in!" Rocky said. I stared at everyone's hands reaching into the different bowls and plates and I tried hard to not show my disgust.

"I'm not hungry. I've had dinner." I lied, even though I never even touched my food at dinner. "Can we train again after this? Since I'm here, we may as well carry on." I said, shoving my hands in my pockets. 

He shrugged and stuffed a whole bucnh of fries into his mouth. "Sure. Lemme finish eating, I'll be rightthere with you." he said, hungrily eyeing up the food. I rolled my eyes and mumbled something about going to the back garden to start warming up.

I took my jacket off and did a few stretches before starting on my punches and jabs that Xavier had taught me. I relasied that even though he abandoned my trainning lessons, he was the best teacher ever. I kept punching the air violently, letting all my anger out. I did all the flying kicks and tricks, getting angrier and angrier as I did so. I hated, hated my life right now.

I suddenly let out one of my feircest punches, my eyes blinded with anger, but someone's palm closed around my fist, blocking it from going any further. "Woah, watch it there, princess." someone said.

The palm sent a jolt of electricty shooting right through me and I gasped wrenched my hand back, thinking he ad one of those joke elexctricy things attached. But when I saw that his palm was empty, I gasped again. The guy himself was looking from his fist to my palm, looking confused.

He was really hot though. He had this super cute dark brown hair that was done in that messy behead look that boys do and he had these hazel eyes that just looked so soft and welcoming. I actually fell in love with him. I cant remebere the last time a boy had ever given me butterflies...

"I'm Carter." he said in a low whisper, his eyes bore into mine like he never wanted to look away. And honsetly, I didnt wanna look away either.
"Uhm, I'm, er, Scarlett." I said, almost forgetting my own name. 

Suddenly, Rocky's hand clamped down on this hottie's shoulder "I'll take it from here, Cart." he said. Carter only glanced up at him briefly before returning his gaze to me. "Can I watch you train her?" he asked. Rocky looked impatient "Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

Carter grinned at me dazzingly. "Not anymore."

Those butterflies multiplied by like a hundred.

I couldnt focus on the training anymore, my eyes kept wandering over to the boy sat in the deckchair.

I think I could manage just a few more weeks of this Pack...

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