Chapter Five

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I wrapped the bandages around my fist tightly. I don't even know what I was playing at, stowing away at another Pack House like this. The guilt of being a traitor was eating away at me slowly.

I wanted to leave like crazy but I couldn't. I had a super mega crazy roller coaster type crush on Carter and I guess that was the main reason I stayed.

We hadn't spoke since yesterday after he got scolded by Rocky to go away because he was distracting me but I still thought about him all night.

It was at this point in my life that I needed mom and Aunt Dani. They knew exactly how to deal with boy problems.

My fists stung like crazy as I wrapped them up. I'd accidentally punched the brick wall while I was training and now my knuckles were grazed like mad. It wouldn't take long to heal but it really hurt and I wanted to cry but as a future Luna, I had to keep my head up. I know it's a major 'if' I'm Luna but there's no point in giving up hope.

All of a sudden the room door creaked open. In popped Carter's handsome head and he smiled amazingly at me. "Hey, Rocky cant train you today he's out doing some stupid stuff. But he said I could train you." He said.

I litterally wanted to soar through the house roof and do backflips and burst into a musical piece then explode into a million pieces.


He looked down at my fist and then walked in and picked it up in his own hands. I felt that same static shock from before but this was the good kind. The kind that made you wish that he'd hold you forever...

"Rocky's such an idiot." Carter frowned. I looked down, avoiding his concerned expression and laughed feebly. "Yeah."

"C'mon. Lemme go get something to eat then we'll start, yeah?"

I nodded slowly. No guy has ever been this sweet and gentle towards me. Probably because they all treated me like "one of the boys". I was determined to change that with Carter.

We left my room and went down the hallway but I paused outside the room where it still faintly smelt like my mom and JJ. "Carter?" I said.

He stopped walking and turned around to me. "Yeah?"

"Youve been at this pack house for ages, right? Has my mom ever been here?" I asked, my hand hovering over the handle anxiously.

He scratched the back of his head "Uhm, I dunno. Whose your mom?"

"She's called Rain."

Carter furrowed his brow and then his eyes widened slightly. "I think so but I was only about three, I think. I dunno what happened there was some huge commotion downstairs." He shrugged.

My curiosity got the better of me. I had to find out what my mom had been doing here and what the whole 'commotion' was.

"Rocky says we shouldn't go in there."

I rolled my eyes. "What Rocky doesn't know can't hurt him." I shrugged, my hand placed firmly on the handle now.

But Carter grabbed my wrist quickly. "No! Scar, look lets just go downstairs." He said hurriedly.

If he wasn't so attractive I doubt that I would have been so easily persuaded.

"So, why would you want Alpha training, then?" Carter asked as we got outside. I shrugged shyly. I couldn't tell him that I wanted to be a Luna. I couldn't tell him anything about me, I don't know why but I kinda felt that i'd told enough people about my dream. The last thing I need was this attractive, potential mate, to laugh in my face and tell me it's impossible to become a Luna.

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