No Laxatives For Writer's Block

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Chapter 21 

Jen Miller has found her son in far off Moscow, she's wrangled two tickets for the midnight ferry and they're getting on. Mogle, the Russian with a penchant for knife-play has cornered them, the ferry is leaving the dock. If they don't get on, Mogle will kill Jen and take her son again. The ferry leaves and...

The ferry leaves and she...

Mogle will kill Jen and take her son again. She hears the ferry's horn as it leaves and... And...

The dreaded block strikes again.

It's not because you suck at writing, it's not because you're a failure. Brains are slow(unless you're Holmes or Spock) and they sometimes need you to go and refuel, sometimes your brain is stuttering because you haven't realised you should have dried the washing an hour ago, or because your dissertation is unfinished. Sometimes your brain is tired and you need a sleep, sometimes Mr. Brain just wants you to go outside and have a walk through the rain for inspiration. Lots of reasons, different for everyone. Cures are therefore equally variant. Sometimes the cure is time.

So there's no trick, no whispering at a mirror at the witching hour to bring your words back. I'm just saying it happens to everyone, it'll probably happen quite a bit, or it may never happen again. When it's over the best thing to do is pretend you never stopped writing and do nothing but write until you get your emperor's groove back.

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