Levi x reader: Ghost

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(Continues off of Mission)

Levi's pov

Several weeks have passed and Levi felt ready to give up. He missed (y/n) so much. She said that she would wait for him, but for how long? He wanted to win the fight and see the whole world. Now, things didn't feel right. He didn't want to be able to see those things is (y/n) couldn't.

"It's officially begun! The 57th recon mission! Scouts move out!" Erwin Smith yelled. The gates opened and the horses charged out. Levi had a mission to protect Eren Yaeger. Erwin must have thought that having a goal would keep him going but Levi still felt sad. During Eren's court, when Levi beat him, he took out all of his anger on him.

Later on during the mission...

Levi swung through the trees, trying to find the source of the loud roar that they heard. The titan brat must have decided to turn back and face the enemy. Levi sighed. There was no reasoning with that kid!!!

He got there to see Eren chomped out of the nape. He stopped Mikasa from attacking. He knew how she felt. Determined to save the one they loved before it was too late. Levi was too late and because of that (y/n) was killed. He had to have Ackerman save Yaeger. 

It's always the Ackermans that have to save the other.

Levi slashed and swirled, cutting the female titan. He stabbed her eyes, leaving the blades in her eyes to slow the healing. 

Mikasa tried to take her out and Levi saw the female titan about to attack her. "Don't do it!" You yell, pushing her aside. He heard a crack from his leg as it bent the wrong way. 

He still continued anyway. He slashed her mouth and Eren fell out. He carried the unconscious boy to safety.

On the way back...

Levi rode in silence. Suddenly five titans broke out of the forest and charged at the formation. They were easily gaining on even the horses. Someone would have to take them out. Levi turned around and led them away. He used his gear to slash two of them in a row. He slashed another and a titan grabbed his foot. He attempted to cut himself out but it held him at an odd angle so he couldn't reach.

As it brought Levi closer, he lunged through the titan in its mouth and cutting out of the back of the head. He the slashed the nape. The titan saliva all over him caused him to lose his grip on his swords. As he fell, a titan caught him he closed his eyes. He was brought closer and then the jaws closed. Levi looked down and saw that the jaws were crunching on his stomach, just like how (y/n) died. Someone leapt up and killed the titan.

As it fell, Levi did too. He lay there on the ground, gasping for breath. Soldiers circled him, attempting to stop the blood. Levi was already too weak to do anything. He knew that is was too late.

As his vision faded, a shape of a girl became clear in his vision. "(Y/n)?" He asked. 

His vision began to go dark. Until he couldn't see or hear anything. He opened his eyes and looked down. He saw his bloodied body on the ground. He looked away.

"Levi?" A voice called

"(Y/n)?" He called back. He saw her and she ran up to him and kissed him. She pulled away. "What do you think you are doing?" She asked fiercely. "You need to be humanity's strongest." She broke off and began crying. He wrapped his arms around her. "I could have waited!" She yelled. "But you decide to go and die on me!" 

Levi could tell that she was just upset.

Later on when you calmed down...  (your pov)

You came out of the hug and sniffed. "Sorry." You say. "It just hurt watching you die." She said looking at the ground. "Don't be. I was like that after you died. Now we're even." You both laughed. 

"What do you want to do next?" You ask him. 

"Anything you want."

Sorry for the horrible ending. I just didn't want to have to show them going everywhere and seeing everything outside the walls. 

If you have any requests please tell me!

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