Levi x My Character: Fly Away

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Levi was on a expedition outside the walls. He was riding in the formation with his squad. They were going to set up camp soon. They got the smoke signal to head to the campsite. "Oluo, send the signal." Levi said, riding on to the campsite. 

Levi sat in his room and read a book. All the paperwork he had to fill out was still at HQ. Suddenly someone started yelling, "Titans! Heading this way!" Levi stood up and placed the book on the chair he was sitting on. He ran outside, putting his gear on. He jumped on his horse and rode to confront the titans. He shot a hook into the titan and twirled around, slicing its nape as well as the nape of the titan beside it. A titan slammed Levi in the side. "Tch." He said, latching onto its back. "You should have grabbed me. If you did, I wouldn't be able to do this." He slashed the nape and jumped off. He shot a hook into another titan. He tried to fly up and strike its nape but his gear wasn't working properly. The gas didn't come out. He looked at the gear and saw that the cord attaching the gas tanks to his gear was cut. He was doomed. He waited for the titan to reach for him, them he ran up its arm and slashed its nape. A loud crash sounded. Another group of titan walked over. He did the same methid of running up the arm to another titan. Before he could slash the nape, however, another titan grabbed him. It help him upside down and he looked back at the campsite. His squad was approaching on horses, but they wouldn't arrive in time. "Tch." Levi said. "I guess I will never see the world rid of titans. I will never truly avenge my friends." He sighed and closed his eyes, preparing himself for the worst. The titan brought Levi closer to its mouth. Then it stopped. Levi opened his eyes and looked at the titan. He saw it staring at a bird fluttering around the its head. The bird was dark blue with green feathers scattered across its wings and back. The titan lunged, breaking the bird's wing. It still persistently flapped around the titan, distracted it long enough for Levi's squad to arrive. Gunther and Oluo flew up and slashed the titan's face, blinding it. Eld slashed the titan's nape and Petra caught Levi as he fell. She landed and placed him on the ground. The rest of the squad took out the rest of the titans. They all landed next to Levi. "Captain, how were you caught?" Eld asked, confused. "My gear broke." Levi said, walking to his horse. He climbed on and rode back to camp. 

After he got new gear, Levi returned to hia room. He was confused about something. Why did that titan attack that bird? I thought they ignore everything but humans, he thought. Why did that bird protect me? His thoughts were interrupted when Petra walked in. "Why didn't you knock?" Levi asked, angrily. "Well, captain, it is time for dinner." He sighed and stood up. He walked out of the room without h Petra following him.

Later on that night...

Levi was walking around, away from the campsite. He was safe because no titans could move at night. He still had his gear just in case though. He sat down in the grass, staring off into the distance. He faintly heard footsteps. He stood up and drew his swords. "Who is there?!" He called out. The footsteps got louder as the person walked closer. Levi saw a girl with a dark blue dress. She had green eyes and her right arm seemed broken. "Who are you?" He asked. She stared at him, then seemed to recognize him. "I-I am Aqua." She said, nervously backing up. He stepped closer. She nervously looked at his swords. "What are you doing outside the walls?" He asked, putting away his swords. She seemed relieved by this. "Um, I was born out here and I have lived out here my entire life." She said. Levi was confused. How could a human live outside the walls and not end up eaten? "Come with me." He said, walking back to camp. She seemed reluctant to follow him. 

"Where did she come from?" Asked someone. "How did she survive out there?" Asked another. Levi just stood there, ignoring all the questions. Aqua seemed to be nervous around other people. She edged closer to Levi. "Where did you find her?" Ased Ervin. "She was just wandering around out there so I decided to bring her back here." Levi replied. Ervin sighed. "She can stay with us for now." He said. "Levi, can you take her to the room next to yours?" He walked away, leaving Levi and Aqua to face the crowds of people. "Get back to your rooms right now!" He yelled, angrily. He walked Aqua to her room. "You can stay here." He said. He turned to leave. "Wait, Levi," Aqua said hesitantly. "Can you teach me how to use the gear you use to fly around?" She asked. Levi nodded and Aqua smiled. Levi walked off, thinking, How does she know about the gear?

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