Levi x self harm reader: School

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I have seen many people writing these, so I decided I would give it a shot. 

You hate your new school. Your old school was amazing, but you had to move because of your parent's death. You lived with your Aunt Marie and Uncle Roger's house. They had no children but were happy to take them in. They took good care of you, but you still felt lonely. 

You went to your bathroom and opened the top drawer next to your sink. You take out the knife you use to cut. You cut gashes on your arm. Every night, you do more than the last. 

You never cut before your parent's deaths. You were always happy and even though you were a nerd, no one teased you. Everyone at your old school was a nerd. Now, you were teased for being a nerd.

You sighed as you closed your locker. You carried your books to your first class. You finally figured out where everything was. No one offered to help you figure things out. Not even the teachers.

You sat down in the back of the class. As the teacher chatted on about something you learned months ago you stared around the room.

The only person that catches your eye is a black haired man with steel, gray eyes. He glared around as if he was bored. His eyes land on you and you flinch and turn away. 

The bell rings and you sigh, closing your textbook. You stand up and walk out of the room. 

The last class of the day...

You teach PE to a group of third graders. Seeing them lit up your day.You used to take PE with everyone else, until your teacher assigned you to watch the kids. The other kids who used to help you quit for some reason. You were getting a new partner today. 

The guy from before walks up to you. "Are you (y/n)?" He asks you, still seemingly bored. "What is your name?" You ask. "Levi." He says

You nod and lead him over to the kids. "Guys, this is Levi." You say pointing to Levi. "Levi, this is Evan, Sierra, Shayla, Jaiden, Aiden, Ariana, Tyler, and Antwon." You say, pointing to each student as you call their name. 

They all wave and say hi to Levi. "Tch" he clicks his tongue before crossing his arms.

The class period went on for a while, Levi helping you. He was gentle with the kids when they got hurt and they never got mad at them which is quite a feat. They could get on your nerves sometimes. Before you knew it, class was over. The kids all hugged you and Levi, to Levi's disgust.  

You grabbed your bag and walked out of the gym, heading for the exit. Youa always walked home so you took a left in the intersection in the halls. You tried to hurry so the bullies wouldn't catch up to you. You step out of tbe building.

"Hey nerd!" Someone yells. 

You walk faster, trying to get away. They run up and push you down to the ground. They kick your stuff all over the place and give you a good kicking too. "Back off." Says a cold, but familiar voice. You turn to see Levi standing there.

"Hey, Levi!" One of them says. "Want to join in? We are just teaching this nerd that she doesn't belong here." 

Levi walks up to you. You close your eyes, expecting the worst. It never happened. He grabbed you and pulled you up, calmly. He picks up all of your stuff and returns it to you. He grabs your arm and you wince in pain. He pulls you away from them and the school.

Once the two of you are a safe distance away, he stops. "L-levi, thank you for what you did back there. I really appreciate it." He looks at you. "See you tommorow, here before school. I will make sure they stay away." 

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