Dolphin shifter Eren x reader

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I was at my house staring out the window when I came up with this idea. I saw a dolphin out in my beach and this idea just randomly popped into my head. I hope you like it!

You were out in your backyard reading a book. You were on a swing, staring at your family's beach. The bright sun was making the water sparkle like diamonds. You sighed happily and turned the page in your book. Suddenly, you hear a splash. You look up and see a dolphin splashing around in the water. You loved dolphins but you were terrified of water. It was something that happened when you were a kid. Your family was at a relative's house and you were playing by the lake. You saw a cool shell in the water and decided to try and get it for your collection of ocean treasures. You waded in and slipped on the rocks. You almost drowned, until your dad saved you. You have been terrified of water ever since. You still loved to walk along your family's beach and pick up anything interesting. You snapped out of your flashback to look at the dolphin. It was splashing around happily, making delighted sounds. It noticed you and swam closer. It seemed curious to see a human. You watched in horror as a strong current pushed the dolphin onto the beach. You threw you book to the side and ran down to the beach. The dolphin stared at you as you struggled to push him back into the water. "Come on!" You yelled, pushing as hard as you could. "Move!" It just watched as you struggled to move him. "You need to help me. I can't move you on my own!" You felt silly, talking to a dolphin, but he was staring at you with bright green eyes that seemed almost human, so you talked to him. "Look, you are going to die if you don't get back into the water." You say. "And I am not strong enough to move you." He continues to watch you. "If you don't fight, you won't survive, got it?" At that moment, he began struggling. He thrashed furiously, trying to reach the water. You pushed as hard as you could and then finally, he reached the water. You laughed happily as he splashed around and dove deep into the water. You watch as he swims farther and farther away and finally disappears. You sigh sadly and return to your book. What you don't know, is that your new friend is planning to return soon.

A few days later...

You are walking on the beach looking for things to add to your collection. So far you had found a piece of seaglass, a pretty rock, and a conch shell. Suddenly, you hear a splash. You turn aeound to find the dolphin swimming in the water. He was avoiding the beach, but seemed happy to see you. You watch as he splashes around happily, for a while. He swims closer and splashes you with his tail. "Hey!" You exclaim loudly. He laughs then splashes you again. You step into the water and splash him back. He dives under the water and popps back out, splashing you for the third time. You are happy. You have found a new friend.

For the next couple of weeks you have been going down to the beach and finding the dolphin there, waiting for you. You two would play for a while, then you would hear your parents returning from work and you would have to leave. Both of you were sad when you would have to leave. 

At school, you were sad and unfocused. Your friend, Jean was getting worried. "Are you sure everything is alright?" He asked you for the millionth time that day. You give him a long exaggerated sigh. "For the last time Jean, I am fine!" You say. He laughs. "There is the real (y/n)!" He says. You shove him, but you are also laughing. Everyone always tells you that Jean likes you, but you don't listen. There are even some rumors that you like him back! You two were friends. That is it! You say goodbye and walk home. 

One day, you are playing with the dolphin in the shallow water. He splashes you and you splash him back. This goes on for a while. He swims out into deep water, then back to you. You assume that he wants you to come into the water. You tentatively step in. He seems to sense your nervousness and swims up to you. "I am fine." You say, smiling. "I just can't go in too deep because I don't know how to swim." You always talked to him like he was a human and he always seemed to understand. You waded in deeper. You slipped and grabbed onto the dolphin's fin. He lets you hold onto him as you go deeper. Soon, you can't touch the bottom and the shore is pretty far away. You kick your legs to stay afloat. You slowly let go of his fin and paddle with your arms. Suddenly, a fish runs into one of your legs. Startled, you jerk back. You go under the water. You struggle to the surface and cough up water. You look around for the dolphin, but the two of you were separated by a current. You went under for the second time. You once again struggle to the surface and you spot the dolphin speeding towards you. You get knocked off balance by a wave before you can take in a gulp of air. You go under for the third time. Your arms and legs ache from struggling and you go limp. You sink lower and lower. You suddenly wish you had your parents to save you like last time. The dolphin swims to you and struggles to get you back to the surface. He can't grab you with his flippers and when he tried using his bouth, it cuts you and you start bleeding. Your eyes begin to close. Suddenly, strong human arms grab you and pull you to the surface. 

You lay on the beach coughing up water. Your arm was still bleeding and it really hurt. You look to see who rescued you and see a boy about your age with brown hair. "Who are you?" You ask. You stare into his green eyes. Wait... GREEN EYES?! "Wait..." you say, trailing off. "Are you the dolphin?" You ask. "Yes." He said. "Thanks for saving me." You say. "Well, you saved me so I am just returning the favor." He grins at you, happily. "I never knew I could do this!" He said happily. "Now I can actually talk to you!" He grins at you again and you smile at him. "My name is Eren by the way." He says.

You two still met every day. On school days, you two met for only about an hour. On weekends you two spend all day together. You were riding your bike back from school when you saw Jean. "Hi (y/n)!" He said happily. "Hey!" You say. You just wanted to see Eren. "Hey, do you want to go hang out later?" He asked. You shook your head. "I can't I am busy." You say. He frowned. "You have been busy a lot lately." He observed. "You have been distracted at school and been racing home as fast as you can." He paused and looked at you. "Is everything okay?" You nod, growing impatient. "Yes, Jean. I am fine." With that, you ride home as fast as you can. 

You and Eren sit on the beach. He is soaked from just transforming into a human. You don't care. You lean onto his shoulder, smiling. "I heard that there will be fireworks tonight." You say. "If you want, I can come out again to see them with you." He nodded happily. "Sure!" The sound of your parent's car roars through the air. You stand up, brushing the sand off your pants. "Bye Eren!" You say, runnung up to the house. He waves to you. "Bye." 

Later on that night, you and Eren are on the beach again. Your beach has a pretty good view of the fireworks. Your parents were right at the fireworks location so you were able to sneak out and see Eren. You leaned on him and he wrapped an arm around you. You both watch the beautiful display of colors. After it finishes, you walk back to your house waving. 

Eren's pov

Eren watches as (y/n) walks up the beach. He sighs sadly and stares at the water. "So," says a voice. "This is why (y/n) seemed sad lately." Eren stands up and whips around. He sees a boy with a face like a horse standing there. "Who are you?" Eren asks. "My name is Jean." The person says, seemingly mad. "What do you want?" Eren asks angrily. Jean steps closer. "She is mine, got it?!" He says angrily. He swings his fist at Eren and knocks him to the ground. Eren stands back up and tackles him. "What are you doing?" Asks a voice. A familiar voice. Eren looks up to see (y/n) standing there. She seemed shocked to see the two fighting. "This horse face attacked me!" Eren said glaring at Jean. "I am not a horse face!" Jean says angrily. "Why does everyone call me that?" Eren stood up and walked to (y/n). Jean stood up as well. "Go home Jean." (Y/n) said. Eren looked at him smugly as he walked home, grumbling. (Y/n) looked at Eren. "Eren, I need to go. Will we meet up again tommorow?" She asked. Eren nodded. "Sure." He watched as she walked up the hill to her house and disappeared inside. Eren leapt into the water and transformed.

Reader's pov

You and Eren had been getting closer and closer over the past few weeks. You wake up with a jolt at the sound of thunder. You throw on regular clothes and rush out to the beach. Most of the beach was flooded, so you could only go so far before splashing into the water. "Eren?" You called. "Eren!" You yell as loud as you can. "Where are you?!" You look out at the vast ocean and search the crashing waves for a familiar fin. Your phone beeped. You got a message from your parents telling you that they were stuck at work and would wait out the storm. You pit your phone back in your pocket and wade out into the water. "Eren! Eren! Where are you!?" You suddenly see his fin slicing through the water like a knife through butter. He leaps out of the water and transforms, landing beside you. You hug him, which surprised him. "Umm, (y/n), are you okay?" He asks. "I was worried about you!" You shout, startling him again. "Come on, let's go inside."/you say, running up to the house. You and Eren step inside and sit at the table. You make hot cocoa and pass Eren his cup. "What is this?" He asks, confused. "It is a good drink." You say. "Just to warn you," before you could finish talking, Eren takes a big gulp. "HOT!!" He yells, spitting it out. "That is what I was telling you!" You say, annoyed that you would have to clean the floor. As you clean, he continues to drink the cocoa, taking tiny sips. Then you two sit and wait out the storm.

Okay! I am glad that is over with! I ended up making an ending where Jean murders one of the characters, buuuut as you can tell, I changed it so it wouldn't be violent. Yaaaaaaaaaay! I have another story where no one dies! Okay, like usual, if you have a request, put it in the comments. Bye for now!

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