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The week had gone by fast, it was normally reading the paper, taking walks, eating, reading books, and listening to music. Every so often Charlotte left to workout or get groceries and Steve would leave to take strolls.

When the end of the week came, Steve realized he had to report. How was still to be determined. When the woke up Sunday he sat up and there was a clipboard. It was the same type Darby had in her hands when Steve was Revived. He wondered if he could pick this up.

Through this week it had been frustrating that he could not pick anything up. He had to wait and see if someone else could do it at their own will. But this time he was able to pick up the clipboard and it felt great.

The paper attached had questions that he could answer, some asking about the good things that happened and some about the bad things. There was also a share your experience box.

Steve felt educated about Brooklyn with the amount of information he received from Charlotte. He was able to answer the good and the bad easily. But the experience box was something harder. Steve decided it was probably best not to mention he many be falling for a fully alive girl who he's living with. Should he even mention her? Put in a good word? Steve decided to mention his strolls letting him observe. He mentioned the technology he learned of over this week and he briefly said something about the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. It was nice to put an opinion in.

Once he was finished, he wondered what to do. Then he remembered Darby. Steve followed her actions and put his hands on either side of the board. He then squeezed until it disappeared in thin air. This whole week he had been amazed by things and he was still amazed by this.

When he went out of his room, he found that Charlotte was not in her usual spot at the dining table. Steve became worried. Was she in trouble?

Steve went to her room to find her sleeping soundly. Right, it was her day off. Her brown eyelashes extended and her hair was a twisted into a blonde mess. She snored slightly and Steve chuckled at how adorable she was. Honestly, he wanted to kiss her. But he wouldn't do that, especially with out her knowing. Over the week he had seen every little thing about her personality and liked every bit of it.

He wanted her to see him but the only way she could do that was if she was dead as well. And no matter how much Steve liked Charlotte, he would never ever be that selfish to wish that upon her. And even if she were to die suddenly, they was a small chance she would be a Ghost. Not to mention, the Council had a rule of only one Ghost per city.

Steve would not kiss her, no, but he leaned down and slowly kissed Charlotte on her forehead. He closed his eyes, just to enjoy the moment. When he let go, he stood up straight.

Charlotte stirred, feeling Steve. She inhaled deeply and when she opened her eyes, she panicked. She saw the same man standing over, smiling at her. She shot up in bed and when she blinked, he didn't disappear. However, Steve's smile did.

Steve backed away, giving her room. "W-w-w-who, what-what are you?" Charlotte stuttered. She stood up and Steve back away again. Charlotte ran to grab her bat at the end of the bed. When she held it tight, she swung with her might at Steve's head. The blow would have knocked any man dead but Steve was already dead. The bat went right through his faded head.

Charlotte dropped the bat in shock, it clattered to the floor as her eyes grew wider. She was speechless.

Steve stepped in for her. "Charlotte I-"

"How do you know my name?" She asked. She couldn't move.

Steve breathed in and realized he had to be calm and patient. Of course she doesn't understand right away. "My name is Steve," he said calmly as if they were meeting for the first time.

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