Imagine#19: Unwanted Pregnancy with Ethan

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You and Ethan had been dating for a little over three years now. You were now 26, you were both employed and your love grew stronger by the minute. You both talked about the future constantly. You both wanted to travel the world together and grow old on the beach. You and him bought a beach house together in California a few months ago and you had never been happier. It was all fun and games until one day you found out you were eating for two. You didn't want kids and neither did Ethan, but you didn't want an abortion. Your friend had told you a story about her abortion and how it was the biggest regret she's ever made. You knew you couldn't live with that kind of remorse. You knew you had to tell Ethan but how were you going to break the news?  

It had been two weeks since you found out. You told your parents and your grandparents, you told your siblings and your cousins, your friends and your coworkers. The only person you didn't tell was Ethan. You could never find the right way to tell him. It had been hard to hide it from him. You and him had get togethers with friends every Friday night and you would always drink wine but you couldn't for the last two Fridays. Ethan had noticed that you were throwing up regularly and that you had been eating more but you made up excuses. You just couldn't tell him. 

Exactly three weeks after you found out, you and Ethan traveled to New York City for Christmas. It was a tradition since you both enjoyed white Christmases. All of your and his family would also make the trip so you could all spend Christmas together. You knew it would be hard to hide the pregnancy from Ethan since everyone who was coming knew about it. You tried to convince yourself that they would all remember that you hadn't told Ethan yet but you knew deep down that someone was going to slip. You and Ethan were the first to arrive at the house that you all rented together. The second to arrive was Grayson, his wife, and their two children. They were twin girls;  Avery and Reilly. Grayson and his wife both wanted a huge family (polar opposites from you and Ethan) and so they started at a young age, 23 they're now 26, so they could have as many kids as possible. You and Ethan were watching the girls whilst Grayson and his wife unpacked. 

"Uncle Ethan come see my new bruise!" said Avery.

She was the more athletic one of the twins and it became a ritual for her to show Ethan all her bruises.  Ethan walked over to Avery and she gave him her leg which had a small bruise on her knee. 

"I fell off my bed," she said. 

You watched Ethan and Avery play whilst you braided Reilly's hair. You couldn't help but admire how good Ethan was with the girls. He always made them laugh and it looked so natural to him. You wandered if Ethan would love the little baby in your stomach as much as he loves these little girls. 

"Auntie y/n?" Reilly whispered to you, "did you tell Uncle Ethan?"

You shook your head and put your finger to your mouth. "Not yet, keep it a secret okay?"

Reilly nodded her head. 

"Do you pinky promise?" you asked.

You wrapped your pinky around hers and she fell into your lap giggling. You looked over at Ethan who was smiling at you. He mouthed 'I love you' and you mouthed it back. 

"Alright girls, come unpack your bags. Mommy and daddy will help you," Grayson said walking into the room. 

Avery and Reilly ran out of the room and Ethan got off the floor and sat next to you on the couch. You rested your head on his chest as you patted down your hair. 

"You're really good with them," you said.

"They're great little girls," he said smiling. 

"You'd make a great dad," you said.

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