Imgaine #39: Request for Saoirse- Ethan

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This imagine is for the super sweet Saoirse from @Saoirsecrane . I hope you like it Saoirse! 


Today was the day: I'm going to go on my first date with Ethan Dolan. He planned for us to go mini putting. I have to admit I'm pretty nervous since I really like Ethan and I've never been mini putting before. I don't wan't to make a fool of myself in front of Ethan. 

I changed into a cute playsuit and sandals. I did my makeup and waited for Ethan to come pick me up. I got a text from Ethan saying:

Ethan: I'll be there in 5 min:)

Me: I'll be here!

I packed my purse and waited for Ethan outside. I saw him coming down my street so I waited for him at the end of my driveway. He pulled over to pick my up. He leaned over and opened the door for me. "Hey Saoirse!" he said with a big smile. 

"Hi Ethan," I said a bit nervous. 

I hoped into his car and buckled in. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and he drove off. "You look gorgeous, by the way." He said looking over at me. 

"Thank you," I said shyly. 

We arrived at the golf course in a just a few minutes. He parked the car and hoped out quickly, ran around the front of the car, and opened the door for me. "My lady," he said putting his hand out for me. 

 I giggled and took his hand. "Thank you, kind sir," I said and he closed the door. 

Ethan walked over to the cash and I stayed a few feet back, not sure if he was paying for the both of us. I admired him as I waited. He looked really good today. I mean, he always looks good but today he looked even better. He wore a grey tank top and black shorts. His arms looked super muscular and his hair was a wavy. He turned around and I snapped out of my gaze. "Ready to go?" He showed the score paper and two pencils. 

"Yep," I said casually, wondering if he saw me checking him out. 

We walked over to the first hole of the mini put and picked out our clubs and our balls. "Do you want to go first?" He asked.

"Um, I've never actually played before so maybe you could go first to show me how to do it," I said.

He looked at me with big eyes. "You've never been mini putting before?" he asked. I shook my head. "Well I'm honoured to be your first," he said with a smirk. I blushed and he laughed. "Okay come up here and I'll show you how do it."

I walked up to the platform and placed my ball on the fake grass. I held my club and Ethan walked behind me and wrapped his arms around, holding my hands in place. "You want to line it up with the ball, " he said right in my ear, "and aim it at the hole."

He positioned my club and stepped back for me to swing. I closed my eyes and swung the club, hoping for the best. The ball went right into the hole. "No way!" Ethan said with a smile. "You're a natural!"

I squealed with joy and turned around to hug Ethan. We separated slightly and our faces were really close. I could feel the sexual tension but I wasn't ready for a kiss yet. I let go of him and stepped off the platform. He looked a little disappointed which made me feel bad. "Um, it's your turn," I said, looking at the ground.

We kept playing and I couldn't help but think about the moment we had at the first hole. Did I read it right? Did he want to kiss me? Or did I just want to kiss him? At the end of the game, we didn't know who won because we had stopped keeping score. We returned our balls and clubs and headed back to Ethan's car. When we started driving, Ethan turned to me. "So? How was your first mini putting experience?" he asked.

"It was awesome! I don't know why I haven't played it before," I said.

"Well you were amazing out there. I've never seen anyone play so well and on top of all that, it was your first time playing!"

I laughed and blushed."I wasn't that good," I said, putting emphasis on good. 

"I'm serious, Saoirse. You're incredible. It was probably because you had such a great teacher," he said with a smirk. 

I laughed and playfully hit his arm. "Full of yourself much?" I said.

He laughed "I'm just kidding. You made me look like an idiot," he said.

We arrived at my house and I wasn't sure what to do. He walked to me my front door and we were just standing there, looking at each other. Do I just thank him and go inside? Or do I wait for him to say something? And do I kiss him? Or do I wait for a second date? Wait, what if he doesn't want a second date?

"Uh, Saoirse? You okay," Ethan asked confused. 

I snapped out of my train of thought, a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said with a small smile.

"Well, I had a great time today," he said.

"I had a great time too. Thank you for everything," I said. 

"You're welcome," he said with a smile. "Hopefully we can do this again sometime?"

"I'd like that"

"Good. I'll call you later today. Bye Saoirse," he said and leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

He smiled at me and walked down my driveway, back to his car. "Bye Ethan," I said as you walked away. 

He turned around and waved goodbye. I walked inside my house and closed the door and leaned up against it, replaying the date in my head. That was the best day of my life. 

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