Chapter 2

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Link was left alone for the night, drifting in and out of sleep in complete darkness. He wondered about the monster. Even though it was gone, he felt that there could be more to come. He hoped that the night guards were vigilant, not dozing at their watch. He wondered about Impa, something about her voice and her touch seemed strange, but he couldn't figure out why. Impa had always been so kind to him, like a mother, and he loved her deeply. He understood her very well, and could tell when something was off, but without seeing her he could not tell what. And there was also the trouble with Zelda. These three things, all mystifying to him, flitted in and out of his mind in turn all night, woven with intervals of sleep.

Finally, morning came. He could hear the hour being sounded by the brass trumpet, and and footsteps scuffling the stone floored hallway outside of his quarters. He recalled Impa saying that he would be well in the morning, and figured it was time to remove the rag. He had slept on his back, insuring that it wouldn't fall off. He took the rag off now, and sat up, blinking repeatedly in an effort to clear his vision. The familiar furnishings of his room started to take shape as his eyes adjusted, getting clearer and clearer as the moments passed. He could make out his feet poking out from his coverings and blankets at the end of his bed, his oak chest in the corner, his chair and desk, and his small collection of books. Light streamed in from his narrow widow, and a lone bird chirped out a simple tune. He slipped out of his warm bed and found that his boots were not in their usual place. He stood barefoot on the cold stone floor and hopped about to find them. They had been put in the space between the chest and the wall, and he pulled them onto his icy feet as quickly as he could. He changed out of his night wear and into his formal clothing, wrestling his pants on over his boots and pulling his tunic over his head. His hands shook slightly from the cold as he laced up the front of his tunic, and he looked around for his belt. It wasn't slung about his bedpost as it usually was, and he couldn't seem to find it. He knew now that Impa must have straightened up his room, just like in the old days, and tried to think of where she would have put it. Just then the door creaked open, and Impa entered, not bothering to knock, holding a pitcher of water. She was looking downwards at the vessel, making sure it wouldn't spill. As she closed the door behind her, she looked up and dropped the pitcher to the floor.

Impa was overjoyed. Link stood there, looking at her with his clear, expressive eyes. She could see nothing else but his eyes and feel nothing else but the joy caused by his healing. Brimming over with happiness and tears, she ran to him and held him in a tight embrace, as she had not done for many years.

Link, awkwardly holding up his pants with one hand and hugging Impa with the other, tried to comfort her as best he could. Even if his confusion was apparent Impa didn't bother to explain anything, she just held him, her head pressed against his chest. They stayed this way for what felt to both of them to be a long time, but really only moments. Impa stood back and looked at Link, at his beautiful unclouded blue eyes. She finally noticed his distress, and quickly located his belt for him, tucked away in a drawer. Link nodded in thanks and put it on. Impa was smiling so wide that Link knew almost nothing could change her mood. Link smiled back, a little confused still but happy that she was so pleased with whatever had happened. She chuckled a bit, patted his shoulder and tugged his ear.

"I'll be going now Link. Just wanted to see how you were before meeting with the council."

Link nodded and watched her go, closing the door behind her. It had been so long since she had had the time to treat him that way, like her child. She was always so busy, being the representative of the Sheikah clan and one of the his Highness' closest advisors. Link understood very well, never bearing any malice toward duty, even if it deprived him. He pulled a vest on over his tunic and wrapped his thick cloak around his shoulders, ready to receive orders for the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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