Chapter 6

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A/N: Soooo I kinda changed my cover... And you're probably either thinking, "oh my god! It's so freaking amazing!" Or you're like- "eh, I liked the other one better."
Let me know in the comments your reaction! Btw, this chapter is my favorite :)

When I drove home from school, I didn't think about how my fat rolls were spilling over my jeans, or how my face was too fat and my thighs to thick. I thought about my priority. Stella. I remembered her telling me she knew more than I did, and how she did almost look anorexic with her dangerously thin thighs and her ghostly pale face.

Could it be possible that she didn't eat enough?
Her mom was hard on her. But not that hard that she would force Stella not to eat.

I glanced to my right and left at the stop sign and took a left after a freshman crossed the street in front of me.

My thoughts repeated through my head repeatedly and I reached for my phone in my back pocket. I lost a little control of the wheel and went back and forth slightly, before I quickly pulled out my phone. I held down the home button of my iPhone.

"Siri, text Darcy and tell her that I want to see her," I spoke into the phone, one hand on the steering wheel.

"Ready to send it?" it asked me.
I pushed the "ok" button and heard the swish noise, telling me that the text sent.

My hands tensed around the wheel, my knuckles turning white. At the time, the pain felt great. A reliever, actually.

I sat in KFC's parking lot and worked on my homework as I waited for Darcy's reply. I could've gone home but I didn't want to. This past week has already been hard enough with my mom crying 24/7 and my dad's stuff popping up every turn I took.

I watched people as they walked back to their cars with their piled high fried chicken and I gagged.

  How could they eat that crap? It had so many calories and eating just two drumsticks could equal to as many calories as you had to eat for a meal.

  I rolled my eyes and searched through my bag for something I could do.

  Halfway through my pre-calc homework, my phone turned on with a notification and I abruptly pulled on reverse and backed out of the parking lot. I picked up my phone from the cup holder and drove to Darcy's. She sent me her address and told me that she was painting and that I could just walk through the front door without knocking; so I did just that.

  "Hello?" I called into the empty and hollow home.

  "In the sunroom!" A high pitched voice hollered.

  I kicked off my brown combat boots and threw my black coat with fox fur on the hood on the floor.

   I peered around the houses corners and roamed the halls, looking for Darcy's thin figure.

  I roamed down a long echoey hall, my feet slapping the white marble floor, making loud thumping noises. When I neared the end of the hall, it led into an enormous kitchen. I'm guessing Darcy's parents love to cook based on all the cookbooks lining up against the wall.

  I found Darcy painting a bridge over a beautiful pink and purple lake with meadows full of varied colored flowers.

  "Wow, that's gorgeous," I told her as I walked into the sunroom. The natural sunlight that filtered through the sunroom made the painting seem brighter.

  "You think so? It's been taking me an hour to master these birds in the sky," she said dipping her paintbrush in the black paint and drawing v-like shapes in the sky. "It took you long enough to find me."

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