Switzerland x Reader

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Switzerland x Reader
Requested by: Hetalian_Waifu

You were always a huge fan of guns, but you couldn't buy your favorite kinds because you had to save money. You were walking through the gun shop, admiring the guns until you bump into a man with blonde hair, a hat-beret thing? And a green coat. He looked angry, but not at the same time.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." He apologized, "No it's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going." You said. There was an awkward silence between the two of you. "My name's Vash. I'm from Switzerland." He introduced, sticking his hand out.

You took his hand and shook it.

"I'm (Y/N). I'm from (Country where you're from." "Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." "You too Vash." You two let go of each other's hands. "I often see you here but you never buy a gun. Why is that?" Vash asks, "Well...I would buy a gun because I absolutely love guns but...I have to save money." The whole sentence instantly made Vash like you. A little bit too much to like you as a friend, that is.

Every so often, you and Vash would meet up. You met his little sister Lili, who immediately called you big sister, and his Austrian friend, Roderich. You noticed that Vash has been giving you a lot of gifts lately. Once he gave you a hand-picked boquet of you favorite flowers, then some home-made chocolate, then a hand-made teddy bear with a heart on it, but you thought Lili gave you that one.

You two were going to meet up there again but you only saw his friend, Roderich. "Oh you're finally here, (Y/N). Here. Take zhis note. And read it now. Well, that's all. Auf wiedersehen." He said, handing you a note and immediately leaving again. You opened it and read what it says.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue. I'm terrible at poems. Go to the isle where I first met you."

You quickly walked to the isle where you bumped into Vash and saw a note on the ground.

"Now you found the second piece. Out the store, the park is open. Go look for Lili, and your heart will soften."

You flipped the paper around to check if it has anything else written there.

"Gosh I hope that doesn't sound mean. Ugh I am terrible at poems."

You giggled lightly and walkes to the park and you immediately saw Lili sitting on the grass with a bunny. "Aww. Hello Lili. That's a cute little rabbit." You cooed. "Thank you, big sister. Here you go." Lili said, handing you the last piece of paper.

"If you're reading this, then you've finished the game. Close you're eyes, hold out your hands, and hope that what I'll do isn't that lame."

You did as you were told. You felt someone put something that is cold and heavy in your arms. Without opening your eyes, you felt it be a gun. You quickly openes your eyes and saw Vash, lightly blushing. Then you realized he gave you his own gun as a gift. "V-Vash you didn't have to give me this...This is yours, and you love this gun. This is really important to you."

"I have a more important person now..." He said, without you realizing the fact he said person. "Who?" you asked. Vash walked up to you and kissed you. Your eyes widened but you definitely kissed back. After a while, the two of you seperated for air. "Ich liib dich." He said, in his Swiss German language.

"Ich liib dich as well Vash."

The two of you heard clapping. You looked behind you and saw Lili clapping. "Yay! Now you really are my big sister!" She cheered, which made you blush.

Ever since then, Vash was your gun and you were his bullet.

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