Russia x reader

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Russia x Reader

Russia. The one country that stands out for you. Not because of his height, his aura or his sisters. It's because you can see right through his smile. Behind his childish smile and actions is a lonely, sad country. Because of his intimidating size, personality and aura (and sometimes Belarus), people grew distant and stayed away from him.

Not you, though. You're a brave, independent, awesome, and motherly country.

You loved that little fucking deadly ball of cuteness and just hug the shit out of him.

Needless to say, you grew feelings for him. Since you didn't fear death, you told Belarus this and she was quite proid of your bravery and allowed you to date her big brother, soon. She said that the only reason she wanted to marry him was so that he wouldn't be lonely and that his land would grow larger.

You were always there for him and his family. The great nation of (C/N) is the Russia, Belarus and Ukraine's best and friendliest ally. When the Soviet Union fell, you comforted Russia. When Ukraine was seperated from Russia, you were their messenger. When Belarus needed you when she had nightmares, you were there. To Ukraine and Belarus, you were the mom.

To Russia...

You were the perfect girlfriend material. I mean who wouldn't want a scary, intimidating, strong, and brave person like you as their girlfriend? You would basically bash in the heads of anyone who threatened or made fun of your sweet little (boy)friend.

Russia, on the other hand, saw you the same way you saw him. He helped you through tough times as a thank you from him. He was so happy that you were the first willing (girl)friend that approached him.

He was so happy he could squeeze the fucking life out of you. Literally. I mean look at him, he's like 6 feet tall and has huge muscles. He could squeeze the fucking life out of you. But he's scared to even poke you because he might hurt you accidentally. How sweet.

Sometimes Russia would cry, and you would comfort him. And this was how he became your boyfriend.


It was like every World Conference ever. America bothering England, which led to you sitting him down and giving him food and comics to be quiet. Prussia bothering Hungary and Austria, leading to a pained Prussia leading to you treating him. Sealand crying because he wasn't recognized as a country, which led to you comforting him and being a mom(just like to everyone else) to him. Canada being confused for America by Cuba and getting attacked by him, which led to you teaching him the difference of the two countries. Canada also being sat on and not seen, which led to you yelling and showing everyone the Canadian who now got recognized by everyone. And a lot more.

After the World Conference, you were tired. You did act like a mom to everyone and helped them as usual. You went to walk with Russia, who was walking alone.

"Hey Russia!" You greeted as you caught up to him, "Hello (C/N)." He greeted back with his thick, russian accent that made you melt everytime you heard it. "So, how's my best friend? You good?" You asked, "Da! Because you are here with me and being my friend, (C/N)!" He smiled his childish smile. "Russia! You sweet little thing!" You said as you hugged him with one arm.

You two continued to talk and chat about random things until both of you reached the exit.

You then realized you lend your car to Alfred and your house was currently being borrowed by your boss' large family.

"Hey, um, Russia?" You tapped his shoulder. He looked at you with his confused, adorable but intimidating purple eyes.

"What is it?" Russia asked

"I need a ride...and a house..."

After a good 2 seconds, Russia nodded. "You can stay at my place, da." He said as he led you to his ca--excuse me, private jet.

Not a car, a jet. A fucking private jet that looks luxurious inside. What the hell?

You look at Russia with a questioning look, "My country's very rich. Don't worry, (C/N), I'll give you one if you want." "Nononononono, it's okay."

Russia led you inside as the two of you went to his home, obviously, in his own country. The ride was short, but the two of you had great conversations which ended in a specific question.

"So, (C/N)...Do you like, or possibly love, anyone at the moment?"

Oh shit. He asked you the unaskable. Of course you liked somebody. He just happens to be the one next to you and the one talking to and the one that just asked that question. And soon, the one that you're going to live with for a while.

"Yeah. But you know, they obviously like someone else. You?" You asked, "Da. I love someone right now..." Russia answered as the plane landed. He opened the door and led you inside.

~Timeskip filled with sunflowers~

You tossed and turned but you couldn't sleep. Fuck. This only means one need to cuddle someone.

Now there's only Russia in the house. Welp, good time to confess right?

You walked to his room and opened the door carefully. "Russia? I can't sleep...can I sleep here?" You asked, quietly. A faint and muffle 'Da' was heard. You saw him shift and look at you from the corner of his eye. You closed the door and layed down next to him. Since he didn't have a blanket, you were shivering a little bit.

A few moments later Russia took notice of this and hugged you close. "(C/N)?" "Yes, Russia?" "Я люблю тебя." You looked at him, and he seemed to be avoiding your gaze. You leaned up and kissed his nose. "I love you too..." You smiled. You gave him a quick peck on the lips and cuddled into his warm body. Russia held you protectively but gently, with a cute and true smile on his face.

"So you'll My sunflower? You'll become one with me?" He asked shyly, and cutely. Half asleep, you answered in a drowsy voice.


He knew he that he now has a sunflower that will never wilt, and will forever be his.

Hetalia x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora