Japan x Reader

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Japan x Reader
Happy Birthday...

You were a hardcore otaku. You love and love and love anime! But there was a good reason why, your crush just happened to be the one who created anime and you eventually grew into loving it.

Yes, you were in love with the great Japan. You were his closest and best friend. He even lets you hug him. Now that's saying a lot. Well, sometimes. He would usually blush but you just t
shurgged it off and though of it as his normal blushing when he gets hugged by anyone.

Now, your birthday was coming up since it was (two days before your birthday date). Yes, it was that close. Japan has been acting funny around you lately and has also been avoiding you. Meh, Japan's Japan, right?

"(Y/N)~~~!!!" You hear a certain polish voice yell, "Oh no--" you were cut off by Poland hug-tackling you to the ground. "I have to, like, pick your costume for your costume birthday party!" He said, helping you up. "No no, that's okay Pola--"

"GREAT! LET'S GO!" He yells as he drags you, literally drags you, to a cosplay store.

After a lot of tries, you finally found the perfect character. She just so happens to be a famous vocaloid. Hatsune Miku. Poland then dragged you to a lot of other stores and bought you a lot of thing.

The two of you had a great time.

~ Time skip to after your party ~

Everyone went home, well, you thought everyone went home. You walked to your room and almost instantly blushed at what you saw. A shirtless, drunk, and sleepy Japan, cosplaying as (insert favorite anime guy you like besides Japan) sprawled over your bed, looking at you.

"Japan! You're drunk again. C'mon let's go, I'm driving you there." You said, walking towards him and reaching your hand out to grab his. He quickly snatched your hand and pulled you close to him. "Nooooo. Cuddle." He mumbled as he hugged you like a body pillow, except a warmer one.

"Japan--" he silenced you with a kiss.

'If he's going to kiss me everytime I make a loud sound......then I'll enjoy this...' you thought to yourself.

And for the rest of the night the two of you cuddled.

"(Y/N)-chan/san...Happy Birthday...." he whispered as you fell asleep in his arms, "Thank you Japan...I love you..."

♡Bonus ending♡

Japan woke up. He wondered where he was and what he was hugging. He looked and saw you sleeping. He blushed and gave you a kiss on the forehead and continued to sleep with you.

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