Norway x Reader

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Norway x Half Kitsune! Reader

You were always hiding yourself from everyone. That was before you met the Nordics. You were immortal, like them, except you were half fox and they were countries. You would spend your time reading books and casting spells with Norway, pranking the ither countries out if the Nordics with Denmark, having a licorice-eating competition with Iceland, playing and babysitting Sealand with/for Sweden and Finland.

Overtime you grew feelings for a certain norwegian. Not because he was the person that took you in and convinced everyone there, but because you were the only person he showed emotion around. You were his only exception when it comes to magic too. Once he helped you prank Denmark by replacing his beer with vinegar apple-cider. His reaction was priceless.

Sadly you were too shy to confess to him. You were afraid of rejection. You were even more scared of the fact that it might affect your friendship. So you just kept your mouth shut. Little did you know that he actually felt the same for you. Not only that but he actually told the other Nordics about this just recently and now they're all planning something special for you. He decided to confess to you on Christmas, under a mistletoe, woth the 'smart' help of a specific dane.

"Emil! Emil! Wake up it's Christmas!" You said as you shook the Icelander awake, "Five more minutes..." he mumbled, grabbing his blanket and wrapping it around himself even more. "Nope. C'mon. Before a get Hong Kong in here and put the two of you under a mistletoe." And with that, Iceland jumped up, wide awake and a red face. "Th-that's not f-f-funny!" He stuttered as he pushed you out of the room, "Yay you're awake. Oh and just saying...check your closet. M'kay byeee~!" You said after he closed the door on you.

You ran in the halls and woke everyone up. You somehow managed to escape Denmark's secret weapon the grab-anything-trying-to-wake-me-up death hug, Sweden and Finland's not so bad but awkward cuddle hug with Sealand. Sadly, you didn't dodge Norway's magic spell and he made your fox tail and your hair go fluffier than normal, you swore you saw a tiny smile on his face but shrugged it off.

You ran downstairs and made everyone breakfast and waited by the fire after you ate your breakfast, eager to open your presents.

After a while everyone ate and sat next to you. Everyone soon started to open their presents, you got (insert three choices of gifts that you wanted that isn't Norway here). You opened your last gift which was from Norway and saw a riddle in it. It said,

Hello (Y/N), how are you today?
I hope you're having a fun time
Go back to where I found you
I'm adding this last one just for the rhyme

You giggled at the last part, but when you looked around, everyone was gone, but the door was open and there were barely visible footsteps in the snow. You grabbed a scarf and ran to where Norway first found you, the lake. Soon enough you reached the lake and you found a note held to the ice by an arrow. This time it was Iceland's writing.

I love the times
The times when we ate licorice
Can you go to the place
The place where Big Brother used to live in?

The big brother was visibly Norway's handwriting, not that it was obvious but the word Norway was crossed out. You smiled at this and ran to Norway's house which was a few miles away from the Nordic's main house.

You found a note on the door, it looked messy. Definitely Denmark's writing.

You (Y/N), are amazing. Thanks for the beer.
Can you go to the place, where you first found me drunk? XD

Of course. You first found Denmark drunk by the backyard of the house. You again found another note but it looked like it was written by a professional. You saw the little "By Sealand" in the corner of it.

I love the times when we would prank Mr. Denmark!
You are the best big sister ever!
Or aunt...I can't tell. Anyways...
Can you go to the place where you found me stuck?
By Sealand :3

You sighed in happiness. You remember finding Sealand on top of the fridge for no reason, crying. You had to get him down and comfort him after that. You ran back inside, hung your scarf, closed the door and ran to the kitchen. You found a note and a tie. It looked like Finland's writing.

You so cute when you try to correct grammar!
That's why I did that thing right there!
Sorry if it annoyed you, haha.
Can you go to the place where you woke up after we found you?

You sigh, but this time in annoyance but kept your smile. You didn't like it when things were written in a weird text-y way. You grabbed the tie and walked to the guest room. You found a note sticking to it. It looked like Sweden's writing. Except it was written in a weird way.

Very much.
Isn't there a lot?
What am I writing.
Oh well.
Cover your eyes with this tie.
Then hold out your arms.
That's your surprise.

You raised a brow but shrugged off the weird writing. You did as you were told and wrapped the tie around your head, the tie looked almost invisible since your hair was so fluffy. You held out your hands and you opened the door.

You felt 5 pairs of hands on your back push you towards something. Someone catched you and you were curious to know who. Then you heard the door slam close. Your blindfold was taken off and you adjusted your eyes to the light. You see in front of you, a blushing Norway.

"Norway? Why am I here?" You asked, one of your ears tilting in confusion. He pointed up. You looked and saw a mistletoe, then you turned bright red too. You looked at Norway about to say something before he crashed his lips onto yours. After a few minutes, you two separated for air. "(Y/N) the first two words of every note..." Norway said,

Hello (Y/N),
I love,
You (Y/N),
I love,
You so,
Very much.

You blushed more after realizing what it said. "I love you, (Y/N). Will you be my girlfriend?" You hugged him and smiled. "BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER!"

Bonus ending:

Lukas held you in his arms and played with your ears, tail, and hair. "You're so fluffy, (Y/N)~" He munbled as he pressed his face against your hair.

I guess you could say you were the fluff of his life.

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