07: No way

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31 Dec 2016

It was New Years Eve again.

And she was in her room, alone.

But this time, it was different.

Tonight, she felt magical.

She was excited, the same spark of excitement she had felt a year ago.

She occasionally look up on her phone to see messages flooding in.

She took a few minutes to reply all the wishes before proceeding her new hobby.

Which was, writing stories on a website called Wattpad.

She was working on her first work entitled "There's magic everywhere".

She had been working on it since June.

The book was almost done.

Just a few last touch.

"...then he said 'don't you understand dear love? Everything happned because of magic love, everything felt so magical ever since you came into my life. And someday I'll make you believe I'm magic too...someday'

Then David turned and walked away from her. He knew she has no emotion, all faeries were emotionless. But he was determined to make her feel even the tiniest bit of love.

Someday. "

Her first story was finally done.

She clicked the publish button.

And it was published.

She would continue working on the sequel a month later.

All she wants now was to relax and watch some youtube videos.

She then, clicked to open another tab.


Ariel scroll on her youtube timeline, scanning for good music.

Finally she found her favorite youtuber newest video.

Daniel Jerneld. A nineteen years old teenage singer from England.

Ariel loved his videos. They were mostly random videos and covers.

All of them were hilarious.

If he were in her high school, he would definitely be someone girls would fall for.

He wasn't that handsome, but he was pretty cute. In addition, he was funny as well.

Girls nowadays like the jockers than the jerks right? Or was it only Ariel.

Smiling goofily, Ariel clicked the video.

"Hey everyone!"
Ariel smiled as Daniel gave an awkward wave.

"It's New Years Eve again...and well, I have a little something here to share to yall.."


Her phone went off.

She instantly took it to have a look.

It was her friend Tiffany wishing her a Happy New Year.

Ariel chuckled. Typical Tiff. She was always early on wishing about stuff.

Tiff was one of the new friends Ariel made throughout the year.

And Ariel instantly became best friends with her.

Ariel started to type a reply when suddenly something Daniel said caught her attention.

"...I made this song just for a girl who made my life a bit more magical.."

"This is for you Pup,"

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