Chapter 8

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***Beth's POV***

As I waited for Nash to come out of his room I decided to go to my room and get my sheets. I opened the door and I went straight to my bed, when I was taking them off I got a brilliant idea on how I could kill the next person after Nash. I went to my desk and got a pair of scissors, I brought them close to my sheets, and began cutting them on each side. I cutted them making sure that the cuts were not visible, but I made sure they they would rip with any weight that was put on them. After that I placed them next to my door inside my my room, so nobody would suspect a thing about it being outside. Before I went out I put on my mask, then I went to my door and opened it. As I closed the door I heard another door open so I quickly went behind the bush and I made sure that I couldn't be seen. I was that it was Nash, and I knew it was time to attack, As he was walking away from his room, back facing me I race up to him, and he quickly turns his head to see what was all the commotion that was going on. As I got closer to him, he stood still probably scared of what was going to happen. I run up to him and pin him against the wall, I grab one needle and stick through his eyeball, he screams in pain and I stick in the second one, he screams even louder. I could see blood coming out of his eyes dripping all over the floor. He was flailing around to try and touch something or someone, but I wasn't near him. After a few seconds he said, "Can you please just take me out of this pain and suffrage, please." Your wish is my command, I went and got him by the hair, and smashed his head against the wall making the needles go deeper inside his skull. After the third time, I felt his body go limp, so I proceeded to take the needles out of his eyes, and placed them next to his door. Then I dragged his body to his room and placed him inside of it. As I was closing his door, I hear footsteps coming from the stairs, so I ran to my room. I took off my mask and grabbed my sheets and went to the hall to see what was about to happen.

***Nash's POV***

I was in my room, taking me time, because this was going to probably be the last time I will ever be in here. We will probably get a new house, and even have a room for Carter and Taylor, and have it decorated like this one, that would be nice. It would be a nice way to honor the fallen victims of this horrible thing that has happen to us. I decided that I had spent enough time in here, and I was ready to leave my room, to get this plan started. When I was about to open the door, I got his feeling that I had never gotten before, but I just shrugged it off. I opened my door and closed it behind me, I was walking away from my room, when I felt like I was being stalked. I turned around, and to my surprise it was the killer, and I was to afraid to even more. I felt him pounce on me and he had me against the wall. I saw that he was getting something out of his pocket and they were two big long needles. I didn't have enough time to react, when he had already stuck on in my left eye. I screamed, it was the most painful thing that I could have ever experienced in my whole life. I was caught off guard, when he jabbed the second on my only eye that was left, then everything went completely black, I couldn't see a thing. I started to flail my arms, trying to see if I could find that cruel person that did this to me. After various minutes, I gave up so I said, "Can you please just take me out of this pain and suffrage, please." Next thing that I know I feel someone grab my hair and smash my head against the wall. I felt the needled go deeper and deeper, and I felt blood gush out. I then saw the light and I knew it was my time, but I the only thing that I will regret is leaving Hayes behind in this cruel place we call home, then my body went black.

***Cameron's POV***

We were all waiting on Beth and Nash, we we heard screaming coming from where the rooms where at. We all rushed to the stairs, but it had a unbreakable glass wall in front of the stairs, all we could hear was the screams that sounded like a guy. That's when I knew it was Nash that was dying or about to die. I scooted over next to Hayes, since he had a worried look his face. After a couple of minutes, the wall went up and we all rushed up the stairs. We saw this there was a trail of blood leading to his door. Hayes and I went followed the trail and saw that his body was lying on the floor with blood coming out of his eyes. Hayes, bent down and started crying, I went next to him, I have to be his rock; but I couldn't handle it I started crying next to him. After a while we got up and got his body and then I saw Beth, I was mad that she didn't save him. "Why didn't you save him!" I screamed at her. "Believe me I did but my door was locked, I couldn't get out." "Liar!" "Cam, she is not lying, when Taylor was being killed and I was in Carter's room, the door was locked, and I couldn't get out until, he was dead." said Shawn softly. "I believe you Shawn, I believe every word you said, and Beth, I am sorry for freaking out on you like that, I'm sorry. " "It's okay, I know that you are only grieving the death of your best friend." she tells me.

After my mini meltdown, Hayes and I take Nash's body and place it next to the other two guys. This marks us down to ten now, I really hope that none of us die. I want this group to make it out of here.  

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