Chapter 15

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***Jack J's POV***

I was awoke to find that I was in a strange room, that I have never seen before, I felt that I was restraint and I was. I was on a chair with my arms and legs tied up, and next to me was Gilinsky in the same situation. I started to panic; I didn't want one of us to die, but I knew that deep down it was going to happen, now way would the killer let us both survive this.

***Jack G's POV***

I awake from what seemed like a long nap, then I noticed that I was in a room that I do not recognize at all. I look over to the other side and see that Johnson is right next to me. "Johnson what are we doing in here?" "Gilinsky, I am just as clueless as you are, I just woke up." "I have a bad feeling about this; I really want to get out of here, I don't want one of us to die." "Same here, but I don't know who we would get out of here." As I was about to say something, someone wearing a mask walks into the room, that's when I knew it was the killer.

"I am here to offer you guys a deal, are you ready to hear it?" Asked the masked person. "Yes." We both said in usion. "Okay. I am going to give each of you a riddle, if you both answer correctly then both of you are getting out of this room alive, but if one of you gets it wrong, then it means you would have to say goodbye to each other. So do you guys accept the deal?" We look at each other, and then Johnson said, "We accept your deal." Good then, who want to go first?" "I do." Said Johnson. "Okay, your riddle is, it is the beginning of eternity the end of time and space the beginning of the end and the end of every space. What is it?". "What is that, I don't understand it." He said with frustration. "Can you say it again." "Sure, it is the beginning of eternity the end of time and space the beginning of the end and the end of every space. What is it?". "Ugh, I don't know, can I ask Gilinsky for some help?" "No,and if he helps you, you will both die." "Well, I guess I will have to guess at it. It is galaxy?" "No that is not correct sorry, the answer is the letter E." When the killer told him that you could see how sad he was that only half of us were going to make it out of here. "What if we both get it wrong, can we please choose who gets to survive this?" I asked. "Sure why not, here is your riddle Gilinsky, A very pretty thing am I fluttering in the pale-blue sky. Delicate fragile on the wing indeed I am a pretty thing. What am I?" Asked the killer. I knew what the answer was, I knew that it was a butterfly. I remember that someone told me this riddle, and that is why I know it, but I am going to get it wrong for Johnson, I need to save him, I need to do this for him. "I don't know the answer?" "Well that means that you guys will have to pick which one of you will make it out of here, make it fast." "Gilinsky, just pick me to die, you have to stay alive for the both of us, if anything I believe that you will be the one that will be able to make a music career. And if I die I don't want you to be sad about, you have to be strong, strong enough to get out of this, I know that it will affect you very much, but don't let it set you back, you have to do it for the both of us." "Johnson I can't let you die, because I made a promise that I would always protect you no matter the situation. I can't let you do this, so I have to do it. You will make it big, I am just an ordinary singer, while you are an extraordinary rapper. You will have to make it big, and same goes to you , I know that my death will affect you really bad, but don't let it not in this place. You can let it affect you outside of here, but not while you are here fighting for your life. Also, I know that our fifteen year friendship is going to end in a matter of time, and just know that those years with you by my side have been the best years of my life, and I hope you can make someone as proud as I am to be your best friend." "I am ready shoot me." I tell the killer. I close my eyes and wait for it, I hear him pick up the gun and pull the trigger, but I don't feel anything. I open my eyes to see that Johnson was the one that died. "I thought you said that we got to pick who died." I said with tears strolling down my eyes. "I did say that but you played dirty so I did as well, you should have just answered the riddle correctly and maybe I would have considered killing you instead, but you decided to play dirty." "How did you know that I knew the answer?" "Because when I asked it to you, your face lit up like if you knew the answer, so you gave it away yourself." "Why did I have to do that, I'm so stupid." Then suddenly everything started to get hazy, then eventually everything went black.

***Beth's POV***

It was really hard to end a friendship like that especially when they had their little goodbyes, it killed me to do it, but I couldn't back out I am already way in to far to back out. I felt bad sure, but know only five of them remain, but I know for this point on I do not have the call on which one of them is going to die, they are going to have rely on their skills on what they know and don't know.

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