Chapter 2

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I woke up late my alarm doesn't go off. I get up out of bed running putting on a outfit and grabbing my backpack? "DAD!!! can I borrow your dirt bike! I am late for school and need to get there before the first bell!!" I yelled running down stairs. My dad throw me the keys and smiled "just be safe and wear the helmet!!!" I grabbed a apple from the kitchen and went running outside. This was the 5th time I was running late this month, I blame the nightmares I keep getting every couple days. I got on my dads dirt bike and road off speeding over to school.

I got to school just in time to park my bike and get inside just as first bell had rang. My mom wanted to homeschool me but i didn't want to stay home and do nothing but school 24/7. As i went into my first period class i could see a couple new kids that must have just transferred schools because i have never seen them before and i know everyone.  I sit down in my normal seat and look over at the a new kid next to me. "hi my names Michael, i am new it took me 40 minutes to find out what room this class was in" Michael laughed and showed me his schedule. I looked at him and read his schedule smiling "its ok you have all the same classes as me. I can help you until your comfortable to go to the right classrooms. don't worry it took me about 2 weeks to figure out where to go too." It was time for class and the teacher came in handing out our new textbooks the school just got about Forks history.

I loved history when it wasn't the towns history. My dads family always have a campfire every couple months and its all stories of the history of Forks, I learned the true story of Forks not the one that they make up in the story books but what life is really like. What my mom is and her family, what my dad and his family is. But the one thing i haven't heard yet is what i am.

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