chapter 5

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After my dad came inside I told him that Hunter was having a movie night and that a bunch of my friends wanted to have a sleepover on the beach. Surprisingly he said I could go but said to stay out of the woods at night. I didn't really listen to what he said I was just happy that I will be able to go. I packed a bag full of cloths for the sleepover and a bathing suit incase we wanted to go swimming. I grabed my phone and texted Hunter

Kathrine's TEXT to Hunter : hey Hunter its me Kathrine my dad said I could go meet you at my driveway at 8??

I waited for him to text back. I was getting my shoes on and heard my phone go off I looked at a text that just came across my screen.

Mysterious text: Hey thanks for today if your free want to hang out

I sat there confused for a couple minutes and texted back the mysterious texter.

TEXT to mysterious texter: who's this??

All of a sudden my phone rang and the mysterious number was calling me. I was worried and altttle scared to pick it up but at the last ring I decided to pick up.


me: "Hello this is Kathrine whos this???"

Michael : "hey its Michael from school you helped show me around and gave me your number. I think when we were in  health together you took my notebook by accident...... do you think I can come and get it back??"

me:" Michael hey!!! how are you! sorry if I did ya I am going out in a couple hours if you want to come pick it up you can. "

I gave him my address to come over and went outside on the porch with my bag and Michaels notebook. I wondered why he needed it so badly and couldent wait till we went back to school Monday morning it was his first day of school how could he have taken any important notes. I sat on my porch as it started to get closer and closer to 8 I was wondering where Michael was he should have shown up by now it was getting weird. I looked at my phone and saw a text from him saying that he will just pick it up Monday when he sees me at school. weird why would he have called me to get it as soon as possible and then not need it right away. I put it back in my room felt a weird feeling but couldn't tell what was putting me on edge. oh well I just want jack to show up so we can hang out and chill at the beach.

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