Chapter 7

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Hunter carried me into the water and I blushed bright red wondering what the heck he was doing. I think he was trying to be romantic but didn't know what exactly to do but it was cute. We swam for a hour or so. We got out and sat next to the fire. My best friend Rachel came over to me and asked me to help her with firewood. I decided to go help her and let Jack have some guy time with his friends.

Rachel and I headed over to the edge of the woods to grab some firewood. I started to get that weird feeling of being watched or something bad was going to happen. "Rachel do you have that weird feeling too???" I said looking around feeling on edge. I picked up a couple sticks of wood and turned aaround looking around for Rachel. "Rachel?! Rachel!!!!!" I look around franticly worried and scared. Runs out of the woods back to the others. "Hunter !!!!Rachel is missing!! we were getting wood and she disappeared!!!!" I said breathing heavily.

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