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Ugh anything but school I would love. When I hear the word school I think of jail: Big windowless rooms, loud cafeterias and mean ass teachers. I know people are gonna think "Well I don't know about you but school is a place of education... Blah, blah, blah" I get the point. But sometimes its like a living hell. If you live in a school with open windows, super nice teachers, and like a buffet at the school cafeteria, please invite me to your school.

For example, the whole class is talking and the teacher gets mad and tell everyone to be quiet. Our stupid minds don't process it and we still talk. My little innocent mind thinks that I won't talk-- and I don't. The teacher calls ME and a few other students detention, even though my friend was talking to me and I wasn't.

Maybe that situation doesn't usually happen but you get the point. What I am trying to say is that:

I hate school, period.

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