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Fame is a disease, it rots the brain and makes you think stupid stuff. Everyone wants it and some fight for it. But does it really matter? If you're one of those people that are still trying, it's not worth it. In the future it isn't going to matter because all that time you were talking to your friends and trying to look cool and not doing your work, it matters. You're not going to see most of them when you get out of high school anyway. But in our little minds we think that something will come good from being popular. But really it is stressful, and I have experience. Some people even say that popularity is more important then friendship, which is stupid. If you're popular and have no friends you would act all cocky and do things randomly without thought, without a friend telling you that it is wrong or right. Just make sure you're not in my situation..

( Author's note: Please point out any grammar mistakes and I'll make more soon )

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