Getting old

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I think of the world as a peter pan type of story: Imagine being young forever, that would be so nice, you wouldn't have to worry about work or any drama. Seriously I can't imagine myself old, would I be bold?! I will literally die if I become bald. Anyway, back to the point, I think that when your old, yes, you have wisdom, but you lose depth of certain things. You lose your memory and the things you've done. Your body is slow and wrinkly and your just a blob of the past. No offense to the old people reading this, but if I start to say "what" every 5 seconds, just end my misery. Without having a good deep mind you wouldn't act normal like yourself. You would be just a moving piece of history. What I mainly worry about is if when I get old I had kids and I spent my life working in a job I don't like finally retired at a very old age and died just like that. That's what worries me.

My Personal Thoughts About StuffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora