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Every since I was a kid I wanted to be known, I wanted the need to be popular. Now don't go along assuming I'm some player, which I am, or some type of fuckboi, which I also am.

In my brain I thought there was always someone more popular then me and that I should try to get more popular. When I looked at other people's perfect lives I would get jealous for no reason at all. I always wanted to be the best person I was. I wanted to he the best.

I now realize that it doesn't matter if I have a lot of friends or I'm popular, I now realize that all you need is good friends you can trust. Popularity can go to your head like a disease that spreads through out your whole body. It's kinda like money, once you have too much you start to act all cocky like your the king of the world when really your just a major dick.

( Author's note: Sorry for not posting more, we just reached 200 views and I think that is super cool. Thanks for helping me and don't worry I will do more as soon as possible. See yeah later! )

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