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Warning: Kinda deep thought and depressing, so skip this chapter if you have a happy day. Enjoy.

Friends; they're an escape from our actually reality, without them we are lonely and broken. They're like tools that help fix us up and bring us together. But without them we're hopeless and we lay around like a piece of junk-- garbage.

Friends help us think we're unique, they make us laugh and tell good stuff about us. Sometimes friends use you and they just want your popularity or you're money, so you have to watch out for good friends. I was mistaken with good friends in which I followed and realized that they were bad people so I stopped hanging with them slowly. Make sure you can identify a friend and a user.

Because you are special no matter how much of a person despises on you, because that is what a true friend would think, and I bring out the word true for a reason.

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