Day 1 - Monday

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Cinder sat in her desk listening to the teacher give a passionate speech about the Industrial Revolution. Though she should have been paying attention, her mind was elsewhere. Kai, the student counsel president, she (like many other girls) had a crush on him. But with him being awed at by all the other girls in school, it was hard to know if he had a crush on any of them. But Cinder knew that was unlikely. She wanted him to know, but she would need confidence, and you have to build that. Sadly in five days school will be out, and Cinder couldn't dare wait until after summer to tell him. The bell rang, signalling she had to go. Cinder started packing her things before her teacher spoke, "Oh Cinder? I need to talk with you." Cinder nodded and walked to the teacher's desk. "Cinder, your grades have been low for the past weeks, and I've noticed you haven't been paying attention in class." Busted "So this is a warning." Cinder looked at the floor, she hadn't been paying attention, because she had been thinking about fantasies that would probably never happen. "Cinder I know you are an intelligent girl, before this, you were one of the highest scoring students in all of my classes. You just need to step your game up, I know you can do this." Cinder nodded. "You are free to go." Cinder nodded again and continued packing her things.

Time skip to lunch

Cinder walked through the cafeteria's doors, only to be met by silence and glares of others, some friendly, some cold... Mostly cold. Cinder paused for a moment before slowly walking to her table. When she sat down, the chatter started to fill the silenced room again. "What was that about?" Cinder asked, a mix of confusion and worry could be seen in her eyes. Her friends looked at her, jaw dropped and wide eyed. Winter was the only one who was unfazed by the commotion. "You didn't hear?" Winter asked calmly. Cinder frantically shook her head. A smile appeared on Winter face. "Kai has found interest in you dear cousin!" Cinder's face turned a lightish pink before asking again, "A crush?" Winter nodded. "Mhm!" Cinder's eyes trailed to Kai, he was looking at her. Smiling. He has never noticed her or dared to look her way, and now he's 'in love' with her? Cinder noticed his smile and quickly look away back at Winter. "Okay April Fools Day was a long time ago." Cinder said, nervously laughing. Iko decided to snap out of her trance and spoke. "Cinder he's perfect for you! Go be with him!" Iko chirped. "But I thought you had a crush on him?" Cinder asked. "Well..." Iko paused. "You can get married and I'll be the one to babysit your children!" The pink tint on her face turned into a perfect hue of red. "Cinder?" Iko asked as she waved a hand in front of Cinder's cherry red face. Cinder set her head on the table. She wanted this, and she has to deal with it. No matter the rumors or jealous schoolmates.... Jealous schoolmates... Once the bell rang again she started to get up before everyone else did. Kai followed. She quickly slid over the messenger bag, and started to walk out the cafeteria. "Cinder!" A men's voice could be heard echoing through the soon to be empty room. Cinder sped up trying not to bump into him. She knew the normal her would stop, but if she did, they would talk, it would be very awkward, and Cinder would do something embarrassing that she would transfer to another school for. As she walked into the hallway she felt a hand on her shoulder. She stopped and turned around to see Kai. "I thought you would stop." Kai said catching his breath. "You have never noticed me and know you are saying you like me?" She sounded confused and like she didn't want this. But on the inside her heart was racing, she had been waiting for this moment. "It's for a good reason." "How?" Cinder said crossing her arms. "So I can be left alone." "By our female schoolmates?" Cinder said questionably, raising an eyebrow. Kai nodded. "But, why me?" Kai took a deep breath. "Because you are the only girl who doesn't fall for me?" Cinder rolled her eyes. "Real reason, please." "Because you are..." "Go on." Silence filled the hallway. "Kinda... Frightening." Shock was displayed on Cinder's face. "Frightening?!" (Great job Kai *claps* Great job.) Kai noticed and said frantically, "In a good way!" "How is frightening good?!" "Self Defense?" (Greeeaaattt job) Cinder rolled her eyes and started walking away. "Wait!" Cinder stopped and spun around "What?" "I'm sorry!
I just need someone and you are a great girl so just..." Kai sighed "Please." Cinder paused, feeling sorry. "Fine." Kai lit up again. "So." he said as he took Cinder's heavy messenger bag, holding it for her. "What's your next class?"

- - - - - - - -
I swear Kai is bipolar.

So sometimes I'll make the day chapters long and others it might be just one chapter.
Just a heads up ^^

Before Summer (Kaider FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora