Day 4 - Thursday (Continued)

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Who's that?" Kai covered her mouth and pushed her softly against the wall. "Who did that?!" Silence. "Fine." They could hear footsteps going to the door. "Either you get out or I open the door, I'll count to three." Cinder panicked. "One ." Kai looked at her. "Two." Pulled her up. "Thre-" Kai opened the door holding Cinder in her arms. "Hey."
- - - - -
Levana's mouth dropped. The girl next to her gasped and ran out the door. Levana's astonishment turned to anger. "What are you doing here?" Kai smirked. "Wait." Levana gasped. "Are you-" "No." Cinder interrupted "Never." Levana was quiet for a moment before a devious grin crept up her powdered-up face. "Just wait till I tell the principal about this!" She squeaked. "Weren't you the one that told everyone, 'Snitches get Stitches?' " Cinder protested. "Rule changed." She said cheerfully. "Now-" "She said crossing her arms. "Give my a reason why I should keep a secret."
Neither Kai nor Cinder had a reason, well... a reason good enough for Levana. "I'm waiting!" She said in a sing-song voice. Cinder was silent. There was no way to avoid this. She braced for humiliation and-. "How would you know?" "Huh?" Kai somehow got the courage to speak through the overwhelming silence. "If we were that quiet, in what you thought we were doing, you would have to see to know-" Levana's face turned red. "-And I'm pretty sure you doing want to be called 'Peeping Levana' for the rest of the school year." Anger was displayed on Levana's face, shamed of being defeated so easily. "Whatever." She said sternly, grabbing the forgotten purse. "I guess you two love birds are lucky!" She walked to the door and held the handle. "Ciao!" She pulled the door harshly before stomping out. Cinder sighed in relief. "Thanks for that." She said, pulling out of his grip. "I think we should get out." She said again, glancing at the door. Kai opened his mouth to say something but he closed it and nodded. Cinder smiled and looked out the door, "Coast clear." She said. The two both walked out to the empty hallway. "Um... Cinder." Cinder spun around on her heels. "Mhm?" She hummed. Kai looked down. "Like I was saying before that-" He mentioned to the door with his hand. "I need to tell you that I-" "What are you doing in the hallway, past the bell?" A strict voice interrupted Kai. Cinder turned her head to see a teacher no... A coach. "You both better get back to your classes! I won't hesitate to call the principal!" He hissed. The two students nervously nodded. He cleared his throat. "Yes sir." The coach smiled. "Now go to your classroom." "Tell me at lunch okay?" Cinder whispered before running to class. "No running!"

Time skap to Nom Nom.

Cinder walked in the cafeteria and sat in her seat. She noticed her female friends were sitting farther away so all she had Thorne and Wolf. She looked around for Kai, he was nowhere to be seen.
"Tell me at lunch okay?"
She saw him at his usual table, looking... Un-social . Naturally, Cinder didn't say anything. She let him be. But why hide?
"I need to tell you something."
Was that something bad? Was that something a someone? "Dammit!" She glanced down other source of the noise. Thorne was leaning side to side, gripping his phone bumping into Wolf, who was reading. Cinder sighed. 'Time for some boy advice then.' She said to her self. She plopped down on the seat and spoke. "So you guys are my friends right." "Huh?" Thorne asked, putting his phone facedown on the table. "You guys are my friends, right?" She said slowly. Thorne raised an eyebrow. "Yes..." She smiled. "Well I need advice." "On what?" Wolf mumbled under his breath. "Love." The two men looked up at Cinder. Wolf protested. "Uh..." Thorne interrupted. "Well my friend, you have come to the right place!" He said enthusiastically. "You have reached the two best lover experts in town!" He said, wrapping an arm around Wolf. He cringed. "One." He hissed. Scooting away from him. "One..." Thorne repeated. "The one and only best lover expert in town." Cinder stayed quiet. "What can I do for you?" Cinder hesitated before speaking again. "Well uh.. Haha... Um... It's about-" "Kai?" "Yeah." Thorne sighed. "Tell me." "Well, he's been acting like he wants to say something, I told him to tell me at lunch- Well, because I was busy at the time but... He won't tell me." "For how long has he been trying to tell you?" "Since this morning." Thorne groaned. "You should have listened to him!" "I know it's just-" "Now he's thinking over it again and he won't tell you!" Cinder pouted. "What am I supposed to do?!" She asked frantically. "Talk to him." Wolf suddenly said. "ASAP." "How do you know-" "Don't ask." Before Cinder could say something else. The bell rang.

Time skap

Cinder threw herself on her bed. She had failed at Wolf's suggestion. She has constantly tried to talk to Kai, in school and after, but he was either busy or walked to fast for Cinder's pace. She hugged her pillow. "Why is love so confusing."
- - - - - - - -
Well, it took shorter then expected.
My writing skills leveled up!!!
There is a secret that will change your life and Cinder's!

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