Day 2 - Tuesday (Continued)

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Cinder sat on a bench and admired her surroundings. The park was big, full of greens and animals too. Every so often, she could see a rabbit hopping it's way across the park to eat the grass. Even though some would call it damaging, Cinder called it cute. "Cinder?" A voice said. She looked to the source of it and there she was looking at (the holy:3)... "Kai?"
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"Kai?" Cinder said. "You're at... The park?" Kai nodded. He had clothes perfect for exercising. They were sleek black, and tight enough for you to see his abs (drooling). "What's so surprising about that?" Cinder smirked before teasing, "I don't know, shouldn't you be at your fancy house, with your own private jet and ocean sized swimming pool?" Kai let out a frustrated grunt, making Cinder laugh. Kai sat down next to her and asked, "So what brings you here then?" Cinder calmed down before replying. "To take my mind of things, relax." "But won't your stepmother get mad?" "Why would she get mad?" Kai grinned. "Well...with a beautiful, breathtaking, lady like you walking all alone, someone could easily kidnap you."He said, as she could see people from school pass by. Cinder smirked, acting unruffled by his sweet words. "Well Mister Womanizer Sir, I know 'Self-defense'." Kai's grin faded and instead a nervous smile took its place. "Uh, about that-" Cinder looked away, "Nope, not havin' it." She grinned, satisfied to be in control. Kai sighed at Cinder's stubbornness and got up. "Where are you going?" Cinder asked. "Well, I ran for long enough, so I guess I'm gonna head home." Kai said acting oblivious (of what he's supposed to do). "Are you not a man of your word?" Cinder said properly . Putting a hand on her heart, "I am very disappointed in you." Cinder said, acting appalled. Kai played along. "I am so sorry my dear lady, why don't I escort you to your residence." He said in an utmost proper manner. He bowed down and extended his arm outwards towards Cinder. Cinder laughed and took his hand. She bobbed a curtsy to him, before walking off home to the sun setting.

Time sk- okay you get the idea.

Cinder walked up the the porch step, still holding Kai's hand. She had to do this because he kept walking off to random streets and protested that he knew where to go. (Zoro?! O-O) She stopped at the door and spun around to Kai. "So will guess this will count as our first date?" Kai asked. Surprisingly, Cinder didn't turn red after that remark. "I don't know." "I'll take that as a yes." Kai grinned. Then at all the possible times, it hit her now. This was just letting him have time to be left alone, not of her benefit of being with the one she liked.
"Well with a beautiful, breathtaking, lady like you walking all alone, someone could easily kidnap you."
Someone was passing by at that time. Cinder's newfound happiness soon turned to dust, and was replaced by depression and anger by being treated unfairly. "Are you okay?" Kai said. Worry could be heard in his voice. Cinder nodded, "I just need time alone." She didn't want to yell at him, which she knew would happen if the thoughts went on for too long. "Are you sure?" There was no one passing by, so that meant this was coming from the warmness of his heart, It would have been nice to hear, but she felt used, she was on cloud nine, and he brought her down. "Yes, just please go." "But I-" "Just leave!" Cinder yelled. Kai stood, wide eyed. Cinder stepped back, realising what she just did. She reached out for him. "Kai I'm so sorry-" He dodged her hand and took a step back. "No...I understand."
And before she knew it,
he was out of sight. Gone forever? Unlikely. Gone till last day of summer? Maybe. Cinder sighed to herself before walking inside the house. "Cinder where were you?" Cinder ignored her stepmother's questions and ran to her room. She set her phone down on the nearby dresser and crashed on the bed. She took her pillow and stuffed it in her face. She screamed as loud as she could trying to get the stress and guilt out, but it only made her feel worse. She knew the next day, when she walked into school, all the girls would be celebrating their easy victory.
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Every story has to have ups and downs to make it truly great, so my 'down' is a bit early.

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