Day 3 - Wednesday

401 10 4

I keep thinking I'm changing Kai... Maybe this should be 'Before Summer, Cinder x Yandere! Kai.'
(Had awful case of Writer's Block in this chapter)
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Cinder woke up before her alarm, the constant guilt kept waking her up. She dreaded to wake up, who knows, she could suffer being bullied or humiliated. And even through all this, she still liked Kai. Her alarm rang, and she quickly turned it off. Her fast movement caused a paper to flutter on the floor. Cinder looked down at the source of the noise and saw the same slip the teacher passed out in science,
"The field trip we are going on tomorrow."
Some weight was lifted from her shoulders when she remember her stepmother had signed it already, but it still bothered her to think the permission slip due date and the field trip were on the same day.
"This will be a two man job, so everyone has to be assigned a partner."
Assigned a partner. Cinder prayed, prayed that she wouldn't get Kai. Out of the all the people please don't let it him! Cinder got dressed in black skinny jeans, and a maroon colored sweater. (I'm wearing that right now^^) She slipped on her black, beat up, converse and walked to the door. Her messenger bag was hanging on a rack gaining dust, she grabbed it and shook it, before walking out the door. It was muggy and humid outside, which wasn't good for Cinder's hair. She lifted her hair in a bun to hid it from looking wavy.
Cinder walked the school's entrance only to be greeted by whispers and some laugher. Cinder looked down and walked to her class. No Kai coming around the corner, no joking, no kiss. She was lucky to make to class without anyone stopping to humiliate her. She rushed into class and sat down in her seat. No one noticed her embarrassment, and even if they did, no one cared, they just kept talking. Iko was the only one to care enough to ask what wrong. "Rumors travel fast don't they?" Cinder nodded, covering her face with the sleeves of her sweater. Though it was blazing hot outside, sweaters, or anything with sleeves in that matter, made her safe. Cinder's conversation was cut short, when the teacher's booming voice echoed through the class room. "Okay students, settle down." The teacher said, silencing the class. "Today, as you all know, is the (grade) field trip." You will learn, Responsibility, Social Skills, as well as the things you learn in school subjects. Now, does everybody have their permission slip?" "Yes." The whole class said all together. "Good. Hand your slips to the end of your row so I can pick them up." Cinder row only consist of Iko and herself, so it wasn't that much of a hassle. After the teacher picked up all the slips. She grabbed a piece of paper, Cinder couldn't see what is said, but the way the light was, she was able to make out two rows of words flowing down the page. The teacher then went to each student, pointing at a word and pulling it back to show the next student. "Yes!" A student saying raising their arms in triumph. The next student however, groaned at once glance of the page. As the teacher slowly moved down the rows, Cinder found herself becoming nervous, but she quickly shook her head. 'There are many other girls out there, it's a small chance it'll be me.' The teacher went to Iko. 'Well whoever get him must be very delighted.' Finally it was Cinder's turn. The teacher pointed to her name.
'Linh, Cinder -'
She looked to the name next to it.
'K' 'A' 'I' 'T' 'O' (Karma)
Cinder was speechless. The teacher just smiled and walked back to her desk. Iko, not noticing Cinder's shocked expression, spoke casually. "I got Scar, who'd you get?" Cinder didn't respond. She had just gotten the one person she didn't want to get. She had just 'broken up' with him and now she had to see him again. 'Stars, this is going to be awkward.' Iko realized Cinder's silence and understood in an instant. "Let me guess... You got 'him'." Cinder slowly nodded, making Iko cringe. "Karma can be a bother huh?" Cinder nodded again, and set her head back on the table. "Okay students, let's get in a single file line so we can walk to the bus!" The teacher said cheerfully, and even though she said a line, everyone was spread out side-by-side. Cinder walked behind everyone else with Iko by her side. She walked with the rest of her class to the buses. The buses were lined up side by side, but the bright yellow paint on the bus didn't help with her great misery. She sat in the middle section, close to back of the bus, which she later learned it was a bad idea. The constant yelling was one problem, but with the juicy gossip that they were screaming, it was hard for Cinder not to eavesdrop. "Michael stole a major test answer key." True "The principal is having an affair." Not true, definitely not true. "Iko's on drugs." It took every single bit of will power to stop from punching someone. She looked at Iko, anger was easily visible on her face. "Katy failed." "Sean vandalized the school." "Sara's being abused." The rumors went on for the whole trip, but one sticked in her mind. "Kai was dating two people at once. Cinder found out, and that's why they broke up." Cinder knew naturally that was wrong, but she kept wondering if he was dating someone else. The bus screeched loudly, making Cinder flinch. The bus stopped and Cinder looked out her window. There was the museum. It was remodeled for when Cinder last saw it, it had less of a old proper look, and more a modern day style. The bulky brick walls were made a little shorter and covered with polished dark wood. Also the small wooden doors were broken down, including the wall it was on. It was replaced with glass, so you could see beyond the walls and see the fascinating machinery and models of scientific things. Some, even Cinder can't understand. Everybody got up out of their seats, and began walking to the exit of the bus. Cinder followed. When she got out, the air hit her. It was less stuffy, and no humidity was felt. The sun wasn't that harsh and it was a little cold, enough for Cinder to not die of heat exhaustion in her sweater. Everyone started to walk towards the doors. Cinder and Iko began to walking with everyone else. When they walked in, everyone stopped and the once quiet room began filling up with chatter. The principal walked in front of the noisy students and spoke. "May I get your attention please." The chatter slowly died down and the large room was silent again. "As you all know, today is the (grade) Field Trip. Now I need everyone to find their assigned partner." Everyone in the crowd scrambled to find whoever it was. Princess Selene- I mean Cinder scooted to Kai, who was rooted to the floor. The principal smiled, having everyone cooperate without any problems. "Now, five groups of partners will be in different parts of the building, you should already know from the letter you got on the assigned partner sheet." Cinder said nothing, hoping Kai would know. "You will be answering any questions the customers have, which is why you need to skim at the descriptions of each model and combine that from what you learn in previous years. Now, A's go to the 'Early Life'. B's go to the 'Human Body'. C's go to 'Natural Disasters'. " Kai relaxed, Cinder took that as a sign that she was a 'C'. "Now, at this time you may now go to your assigned building." Kai left before anyone else, which made Cinder follow awkwardly behind. She followed a few paces behind him, tying not to talk. After walking for a bit, taking some turns, Cinder caught up with him. "So, we're a 'C'?" Cinder asked. Kai said nothing(°-°), he kept walking in the same direction(-_-) . Cinder, unhappy that she didn't get a response, spoke again. "Look, I'm sorry for yesterday. I felt... I don't know." She paused, not knowing if she should say 'used'. Kai stopped, making Cinder wonder if she did something wrong. Kai then replied coldly, "You can't just break up with someone and expect it to be okay the next day." Cinder stiffed at the word 'break up'. "I know." Kai continued walking. Cinder shamefully followed. The kept walking till they reached a dimmed room. On top of the doorway, was big, bright letters spelling out, 'Natural Disasters!' Cinder could hear wind blowing and waves crashing from inside, along with blue lights flashing. Cinder walked in, models of tornados, tsunamis and hurricanes were set up on the walls. There was also some 'experiments' you could do to see how it's made, or the everlasting effects on the area it strikes. Kai walked in and looked around. "Look at the descriptions." Was the only thing he said before it fell silent again. Cinder nodded and began examining." As Cinder read, she began to wonder where the the other groups were. Once she was done with each description, footsteps could be heard from outside the doorway. "Hello?" Cinder looked at the source of the voice, her teacher stood in the doorway looking around. "Yes." Kai answered. She snapped back into reality and spoke. "Oh, just want to inform you that you're the lucky group that has only you and no one else."Cinder's jaw dropped." Only... Us?" The teacher nodded a smile on her lips. "Good luck!" She said as she walked down the hallway again. Kai and Cinder looked at each other. They were going to be all alone.
(I wonder here dat would lead
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This is short because I feel bad not updating. I was so concentrated on reading Winter that I almost forgot about Wattpad (Yes I was not done with Winter but now I am and I'm dead inside) Not to mention school related stuff. So, I am going to try to write the second part soon!
(Yay no time skip!)

Before Summer (Kaider FanFic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ