Day 5 - Friday (Last Day)

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So, this fanfiction thing is ending (nooo) And now I need ideas for future books. So it's like... Requests... (Am I cool yet ಠ-ಠ)
I'm making this all in one part
Your welcome.
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The alarm blared throughout Cinder's room. She grunted before leaning over to turn it off. She slightly opened her eyes and looked at the date.
The last day she had. Though they were together, Cinder didn't want to just leave without knowing what he was trying to say. She got out of bed and pulled on black jeans and a long gray sweatshirt, due to her 'I'm sad' state. She just began walking to the living room when something got her attention.
"We are predicting to see some heavy thunderstorms to strike around 4:00. School isn't canceled, but if it gets heavy enough, school will be for the day."
She found her mother sitting in front of the TV along with her sister. "Awww! I don't want to go to school!" Pearl whined. "Its all for a good reason." Her mother protested. Pearl sighed, "Well if you call getting bored to death a good reason." She grumbled, before walking to her room. Her Mother got up and spun around, catching Cinder's eye. "Cinder! Where were you?" The kind Adri turned to the infamous cruel stepmother. "Um... I was-" "You know what never mind, I'm pretty sure you were eavesdropping enough to hear what's on the news." She hissed. Her mother stomped away, only to leave the soft clicks of her high heels hitting the wooden floor. Cinder sighed before looking for her messenger bag. Looks like the weather will match her mood today. Dark and Cold.

Time skip to school

She arrived at school. Instead of being treated poorly or praised, she was simply not noticed. It felt weird to be sad two times in a row. It made her feel dumb. Nevertheless, she continued walking.
Cinder walked into the classroom and sat down in her seat. She didn't see Kai around. She had look for him but she gave up after a while. She laid her head on the table and closed her eyes "Have you seen Kai?" Cinder mumbled to Iko "Kai?" "Mhm." Iko sighed. "He's absent." Cinder's eyes shot open. She lifted her head off the desk. "Absent?" Iko nodded.
Her only chance
Just like that
She hated herself. She never got to hear the confession. The one that might of changed her life, and this is because of her.
The next classes were a blur. It was like before she met him. Deflecting any information. But 100 times worse. Anything anybody said, sounded muffled and her body moved against her will. From class to class everything became grey due to the constant guilt. She was trapped in a greenhouse of her own despair, bringing more in, but never letting any out. She shook it off once in a while but it kept coming back to haunt her. For once in her life, she felt total alone. Luckily, there was an interruption to stop the thoughts from hitting her again.
"Students may I get you attention please."
The overcome squeaked, getting everyone's attention.
"As a result of weather difficulties, everyone will be sent home." (It just started to rain where I am... Well then.) The classroom erupted with cheers and applause. Cinder sat back in her seat and stared out the window, watching the rain trickle down the fogged up glass.

Last time skip

"Are you sure you're going to walk home?" Iko asked. Cinder nodded, she longed for alone time since she came to school, and something about rain made her calm. Cinder gripped her bag and held on to the door handle. "Stay safe okay?" Cinder smiled. "I will." She said as she walked out the door and into the rain. The light blue sky was turned dark, and covered by grey clouds. The sun was nowhere to be seen, making the sky dark as night. Cinder continued walking, pass her house, pass the park, and into town. She looked around. All the stores were closed. No light was shining except for a bus. 'Next stop, (Pick a place). Cinder thought, The bus seemed like a chance. 'Next stop, out of here.' Her mother has been wanting her to move out. No one will miss her. She slowly approached the bus. Everything that happened here would be old news. She could start a new life, a better one. She stepped on the first step. A life without sadness, a life without problems. She took a deep breath. A life without Kai. "Wait!" Cinder took her foot off the step as the bus started up and left. Her heart skipped a beat. She turned around. There, was dripping wet Kai, soaked from the rain. "Kai." They both didn't hesitate to run to each other. They landed in each others arms. Cinder remembed what made her stay the pass messed up week. Him. She recalled all the things she's done to him, and all the things he's done for her. This caused a tear to slowly roll down her cheek. She clutched his shirt, and rested her head on his chest.
The only thing she felt.
He buried his head in the crook of her neck, before speaking. "Shhh, it's okay now." He reassured. Cinder nodded, and took a deep breath.
She hurt him
He loved her
How could she had been so blind, he's has done nothing but make her happy and she's only pushed him away. "I'm sorry." She said faintly, her voice breaking. The clouds started to lift, letting sunlight peek through. They both pulled away. "Cinder, about that thing I was going to tell you... Well not going...I am going to tell you." Cinder nodded curiously. The secret that would change her life forever.
"The thing is... I..." Kai took a deep breath. "I liked you even before this!" Cinder's jaw dropped. "That's the whole reason I asked you." She always thought that their relationship came from that one agreement, never has she thought that he had feelings. "And the kiss..." He paused. "I felt like all my problems disappeared. So please, don't leave, I can't live without you." He said, clutching her shoulders. Cinder stood in shock and awe. Kai took this as a chance. He slowly pressed his lips on hers. The two students kissed passionately. Forgetting all flaws. Cinder's arms slowly snaked around Kai's neck, remembering the museum incident. (Its embarrassing to write this in class ><) As the two students rested in each others embraces. The clouds were blown away, revealing the shining sun, along with the warm colors of tree leaves. The wind was warm, wrapping them both in a blanket of newborn love and safety. You would imagine it would be like a sunset, walking off into the fading colors, but not this story. This was like a sunrise, full of new beginnings and Neverending love.

The children stared as their mother finished up her story. "That's so romantic." One child said in awe. "That was disgusting." The other said full of pure disgust. Their mother chuckled before speaking. "And that is how I meet your father." "Cool!" One child said, the other child scoffed. "Now, bedtime." The two children groaned in disappointed as they crawled into their beds. The door creaked open, revealing a middle aged man. "Time for bed already?" Kai grinned. "Yep." Cinder replied. "It is their first day of (pick!) grade tomorrow." Kai nodded in agreement. "I forgot." She smiled as she kissed the children goodnight. "Goodnight." Cinder spoke. "Goodnight!" The children echoed. As the door slowly closed, Cinder whispered.
"May the stars smile upon you."
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Well... I'm done
There is really nothing else to say but Thank You!!! For reading, commenting, and voting! So yeah... If you have ideas (of any other books I can do) Do tell! Because while writing this, I became brain dead.
Don't know if that's possible but I'm rolling with it :)

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