Day 2 - Tuesday

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Cinder awoke to the alarm blaring. She quickly turned it off, for if she kept it on longer, it put her in a bad mood. She wasn't in the mood for breakfast, so she got quickly got dressed and grabbed her messenger bag before walking out the door. While walking to school, she wondered if 'yesterday' was a dream. It was crazy to think that would really happen in real life!... Right? Well...
only one way to find out. Cinder opened the school doors and everybody looked her way. Cinder sadly concluded that the dreadful 'yesterday', that made her want to hide, was not a dream. Before she could hid herself or walk to class, Kai came around the corner. "There you are." He said as he wrapped his arm around Cinder's waist, making some girls pass harsh glares. "So what's your next class?" He asked not noticing (or not caring about) the passed looks and shocked expressions. Cinder hesitated before saying faintly, "Science..." Kai smiled. "Well let's get you there before the bell rings, I don't want you to be late." He said as he pulled Cinder in closer, before walking off. When they were far away enough, Cinder spoke. "What was that?" Kai only smiled to himself before saying slyly, "Public Displays of Affection, to get my point across." Cinder sighed. As the silence grew between them Cinder spoke once more. "So, I have to pretend to be your girlfriend?" Kai looked at her and said, " You don't have to pretend..." A tint of red traveled up into her face. Kai chuckled. "I'm just kidding. Yes, until summer begins, do you only have to pretend... If you want to." Cinder nodded. She knew it was joke, normal her would have been laughing, but this her wished that it wasn't, that what he said was really meant for her. Kai stopped a little behind the door of her class. Before she could go in, Kai pulled her closer. Cinder didn't know what was going on until she felt another's lips on hers (fangirl moment) it was only for a quick second, but boy was Cinder confused. "Wha-" Kai interrupted her. "Good luck in Science." He said, as he turned around, hearing the bell ring. (what a JERK) Cinder walked into her class quickly and sat in her seat, which was thankfully in the back, but thing was, Iko was sitting next to her. "Sooo I heard you and Kai talking..." she said putting her elbows on the table. "What happened?" She whispered with a grin. Cinder shook her head before saying bluntly, "Nothing." "That's what they all say. " Iko said as she gave a slip the teacher gave out to herself, before passing down a slip to Cinder. "What's this?" Cinder asked curiously, examining the paper. "The field trip we are going on tomorrow." The teacher said, unexpectedly answering Cinder's question. "Field trip? Isn't it kinda too late for a field trip?" Cinder asked. "It's never to late for anything I guess." Iko replied, not really helping the situation. Cinder laid her head down on the table. How crazier could this week get?

Time skip to History.

Cinder set her stuff down on the desk and started getting out the things she needed. The bell rang, cueing everyone to sit. The teacher got up out of her chair before speaking. "So who here knows about the field trip your whole grade is going on?" Many people including Cinder raised their hands. "And for those of you who don't know, now you do." She said as she grabbed the same slip and held it up. On the feild trip, we will be going to the Museum of Science. It might sound like an elementary thing but we will learn many things there." She paused again to see if anyone was paying attention, and this time, Cinder was. "We will be volunteering to help there. And for that, you will need to know about Science, and that involves some history to know different types of 'When this' or 'When that'." Pause "This will be a two man job, so everyone has to be assigned a partner. But your partner has to be someone outside your class." 'Aww's could be heard from the back of the room. The teacher cleared her throat, and continued."This sheet has to be filled out by tomorrow, if not, you won't be able to go." The teacher set the slip down and wrote on the board, 'Continuing Industrial Revolution.' This time, Cinder was listening. She didn't block out the information, she instead took it in, and processed it. Somehow, knowing Kai made her concentrate (motivational poster of Kai on Cinder's wall) maybe she'll pass this class and not fail like she thought she would.

Lunch to skip Time

Cinder walked into the cafeteria to see not many harsh glares, even some friendly smiles could be seen through the loads of people. She sat in her seat and saw her friends chatting. It felt like it was before all of this, before Kai 'asked her out', before anyone hates her for it, it felt nice. She wondered what life would be like after all of this, in summer, after she would stop pretending. She wondered if she would still confess to him, and if so, what would he say. Cinder looked around the room to see a window open. The trees were brimful of leaves and the green grass that shined, swayed to the soft winds. The sky had few clouds, and even the ones that were there, were white as snow. She forgot all about her stress and anxiety. She turned around and talked to her friends, she felt Contented, Chirpy, Carefree. Like nothing could ever stop her.

Time skip to end of day O-O

Cinder opened the house door to see no one was home. She smiled to herself, and ran to her room. She quickly shut the door and dropped her bag on the floor (Rhymes!!!) She went ahead and changed, remembering the beautiful scenery and great weather outside. She slipped on a dress she hadn't worn in ages and looked in the mirror. She never was really a girly girl, but what is a wardrobe without a dress? She smiled to herself and decided to keep it. She grabbed her phone and walked out the door.

Why so many time skips?
(to the park)

Cinder sat on a bench and admired her surroundings. The park was big, full of greens and animals too. Every so often, she could see a rabbit hopping it's way across the park to eat the grass. Even though some would call it damaging, Cinder called it cute. "Cinder?" A voice said. She looked to the source of it and there she was looking at (the holy:3)... "Kai?"
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Part 2 of Day 2!
Coming to theaters near you!
Yandere Kai

Before Summer (Kaider FanFic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя