Chapter 6

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Rules of love chapter 6

Johns pov

I rolled over and seen a tangle of blonde hair I kissed Georgia's cheek "morning gorgeous" "morning my sugar babe" "ROGER TAYLOR IS THAT YOU!"I shrieked "yes it is good morning John" "eww I kissed your cheek" Georgia and Brian were in the corner of the room laughing when the laughing died down Georgia came over and kissed me "awww that's so cute" Brian and roger said "so what do you want to do today?" Brian asked "I'm not sure I have nothing to do other than read astro-physic books but I'm free" Georgia said "we should go to the movies" I spoke up "I heard the movies are playing the new Beatles movie a hard days night" said roger "come on let's go" Georgia said as she grabbed my hand "ok it's settled we're going to the movies" Brian said "yay!" Yelled Georgia walking into the bathroom turning on the shower "you two are so cute together" Brian gushed I blushed "yeah she is the best girlfriend I could have asked for I love her" I said and smiled "how long have you been going out for?" Brian asked "eight months tomorrow" I pulled a small box from in my pocket I opened it and showed Brian and he gasped "I'm planning on asking her to marry me" I said "really that's so cute" he laughed I put the ring away out comes Georgia in a Beatles shirt that showed her stomach of ever so slightly and a pair of jeans she looked gorgeous and her was curly just like Brian's "you look gorgeous" I whispered in her ear "and you look very handsome" she whispered back and then she fluffed up my shoulder length dark brown hair she quickly lent in and pecked me then skipped off and grabbed an astro- physics book and her and Brian started reading that after half and hour of getting ready we left to go to the movies "I can't wait I love the Beatles ringo is my favourite I love him he is so cute I love him" she gushed "what about me" I said "but I love you more and ill prove it" she whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine she lent over and kissed me "oi enough of that in my car or you both can walk" roger said "I'm fine with that"Georgia said "because John will piggy-back me" Georgia laughed "whatever" I laughed back Georgia interlocked her fingers with mine and gave it a gentle squeeze

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