Chapter 7

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Rules of love chapter 7

Johns pov

We arrived at the movie theatre there wasn't many people at the cinemas we walked through the doors and payed for our tickets roger payed "lets go" Brian said "no I'm hungry lets go to the snack bar please" Georgia said "yeah I'm hungry too lets go get food" roger agreed "I can tell you two are brother and sister" I said and laughed "I agree" said Brian "shut up your just jealous" said roger and linked arms with Georgia she turned around and stuck her tongue out at me and laughed "oi you come back here" I yelled she started running I chased after her I caught her and picked her up and spun her around she laughed her head off "put me down John deacon" "maybe maybe not" I replied smugly I put her down and we walked hand in hand to the snack bar "hmm what to choose?" She said deep in thought " a bag of milk bottles and a bag of chocolate Caramel bites please" georgia said "$4.50 please" the cashier asked Georgia pulled out her wallet but I bet her too it and I payed we got our food and walked off "ready to go in?" asked roger "yeah let's go" said Brian "thank you for paying John" Georgia smiled at me "it was my pleasure babe" she smiled at me calling her babe "think of this as our first date" I said "ok" she smiled and grabbed my hand. We sat in our seats Georgia sat next to me with Brian next to hear and roger on the end Georgia snuggled into me and I put my arm around her.

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