The Momochi brothers a new team

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Hello fellow fanfic lovers since there are no good naruto fanfics where an OC Is trained/teamed with Zabuza I decided to write one Here it is. Ps. In the beginning of this fanfic Paul is  a chunin of the Hidden Mist Village And Zabuza is a Jounin there.

Paul momochi wake up in a small little house and he put on his  clothes and wake your older brother up. "Zabuza get up its almost time for my jounin exam." "Alright Paul gimme a minute" He says as he gets up and puts on his gear. 'it's funny how much of his style rubbed off on me' Paul thinks as he goes over his and Zabuza's similarities noticing they both have the same black tank top, the same white mask which covers Paul and Zabuza's mouth and nose, and the same black ninja pants. The only thing that's different is their weapons. While Zabuza took a really large sword Paul choose to wield chakra blades.
The momochi brothers ( Paul and Zabuza) head over the the place where the jounin exams are happening. The exam will be proctored by the mizukage and me said the head jounin of the village. The Last 3 alive or conscious will become Jounin. 'Simple all I will have to do is hide until 2 are left or beat all but 2'. Paul thinks as the Head Jounin rambles on. Suddenly Zabuza nudges Paul and he snaps back to reality to see two other chunin, the mizukage and the head Jounin are heading towards the center of the village where the Lake of Power is. (The lake of power is what gives the village it's name it is a big lake giving off a dense fog and mist which gets less dense the further you are from the village[YES I KNOW I MADE THAT UP DON'T FLAME]) Paul catches up to them and soon enough they all arrive there. There are about 10 chunin at the beginning of the fight and while Paul waits hidden amongst the mist for his opportunity to strike and claim Jounin status like his Older brother. Paul smirks underneath his mask as he thinks how easy this is going to be'. Paul suddenly jumps out of his hiding spot as he hears a slight whistle coming towards his spot. A explosion happened where he was hiding. Once Paul lands he turns and glares at the chunin who threw the kunai with the explosive tag. "So you think you can make Jounin by being a coward huh?" He smirks. Paul pulls out his chakra blades as he says "It's called Strategy maybe you should give it a try instead of rushing in blindly." Paul taunts, Paul throws a shuriken at the guy and he dodges it. He rushed at Paul and try to stab him with a kunai. Paul pushes it away and goes for an uppercut. The blades barely miss, but when Paul thrusts them back down they impale themselves in the guys shoulders.  "Too easy" Paul says. Right before the guy before him explodes into water. "A water clone shit" He quickly hides as he searches for his opponent when suddenly, The mizukage's voice echos around the water. He says "Congratulations There are now only three remaining conscious chunin. You are all now Jounin of Kirikagure." Paul Grins as he goes back to the place where The Mizukage and everyone else are. When Paul gets there he is presented with everything a Mist Village Jounin gets and is assigned a partner Jounin. "I choose my brother, Zabuza Momochi." Paul says. Everyone predicted Paul would say this so it's no surprise they let him train alongside Zabuza.

Well that was chapter one what do you guys think please don't flame this is my first fanfic in a long time so I hope you liked it. I'm sorry it's short, If you have any suggestions let me know and ps I may need a beta reader.

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