Chapter 7

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Yeah I'm sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out but here it is finally.

Paul glares into the eyes of this young Anbu black ops member's dog like mask. "This is a part of the challenge which was told to you a minute ago, if you were paying attention. It encourages teamwork and makes people follow the rules. So shut up or I'll disqualify you and miss... Inuzuka?!?... Sorry carry on." He says as he walks away at a semi quick pace.

"What the hell was that about?" Paul asked Hana with a confused expression. "I think it's because it's because I'm an heir to a respected clan of the leaf village, I'm not sure. My mother is the head of our clan and I'm the one to take over after her, I didn't realize people out here knew about it? Hana assumes.
"Well then I'm glad I got paired with you at least. It could have been worse." Paul says gesturing to the orange haired, brown eyed, rain village ninja paired with the sand ninja who looks like he wants to be anywhere but here arguing like crazy about the way they will try to win this thing. A soft explosion is heard and in a second suddenly almost all the ninja competitors scatter and hide to discuss their plan. The only pair that is still their is the grass and sound village ninja who jumped in different directions pulling their arms out of their sockets and now are lying on the ground unconscious. They are now out of the challenge and taken to the infirmary to be healed.

Meanwhile In the safety and cover of the giant rocks Paul and Hana are talking strategy. "We could easily take down all the Anbu and crush the tsuchikage with brute force." Paul tells Hana how he thinks they could win. She doesn't agree however and suggests a different plan. "They're probably all advanced chunin and jounin we wouldn't stand a chance. I say we climb into the building ventilation and sneak into the tsuchikage's room and past all the Anbu." Paul thinks it over and finally agreed but he asks Hana to give him a second so he can create a diversion. He does a handsign and 10 clones appear out of nowhere, "What are clones gonna do?" Hana asks confused."you'll see," Paul says with a smile, he does another handsign and the clones are transformed into the other competitors along with 2 of them being Paul and Hana.

"These clones will distract the Anbu by attacking all at once at the front and back entrance when they reach there. The diversion should allow us to sneak into that vent over there," Paul says gesturing to a three foot wide by 2 foot tall vent with a cover screwed on tight. "Once we are in your ninja hounds can lead the way to the tsuchikage and they we will win. Oh and about the reward, you can have the stupid jounin exams I'm not entering this year so it doesn't matter to me. All I want is the 25k prize, my village needs it more." Paul says. "Wait but the clones don't have the long handcuffs, the Anbu will know something is up." Hana says. "I know so once the Anbu start rushing over to see what the problem is we will have to be quick about sneaking over there and getting the cover off and back on so we don't alert anyone of our entry before the Anbu realize they got tricked." Paul explains with a masked smile.

"Sounds good, when do we start?" Hana asks. "Now!" Paul exclaims and with that all the clones head either to the front entrance or the back entrance and start fighting the Anbu. Within 10 seconds the guards by the vent hear the commotion and head over to take out the "competitors". Paul, Hana and her 2 ninja hounds rush over to the vent cover to unscrew it. "Got any ideas on how to opening this damn thing?" Paul asks while looking around to make sure the Anbu aren't coming back. A couple of squeaking noises are heard as Paul looks over and sees Hana unscrewing it with her dogs metal collar tag. "Did you say something?" Hana asks laughing. "Nice work , let's go." Paul says. The ninja hounds enter the vent first followed by Hana and Paul in the back who puts back on the vent cover, he can't rescrew it back on so he just leaves it unscrewed and hopes it won't fall over.

Paul and Hana follow the ninja hounds through the vent system to the tsuchikage's room but halfway through the worst possible thing happened.
"You know, I'm surprised this thing can hold our weight." Paul says surprised.
All of a sudden a series of creaks is heard and Paul falls through the vent down into a dimly lit closet and since the chain links Paul and Hana, when he falls Hana gets pulled down as well.
She lands right on top of him, Paul groans and tries to sit up but he ends up kissing Hana because she was right on top of him. After a second or two Paul and Hana realize what is happening and Hana scrambles off of Paul with an intense blush. "Uhhh...." Paul is at a loss for words. "How about we don't speak of this again?" Hana asks while fixing her hair. " Paul nods and stands up wondering where they are.  Hana looks up to see her ninja hounds looking down at them in confusion from the vents. They both jump down with great agility and land on the ground.

Ok since yesterday was Monday and today I feel like crap I decided to post it for all you people who had a rough start to their week like me in an attempt to cheer you up. Hope you enjoyed. Part 3 will be the action part (it might be short)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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