The momochi brothers vs team kakashi part 2

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Screw it I'm no longer doing these beginnings so here's chapter 3

     "Hey who the heck are you get out of my way so I can free my sensei." Naruto whined. "Listen to your sensei and run. I'm Paul Momochi.Paul said grinning. "Take this! Naruto yelled as he did a hand sign and said shadow clone Justu!" As 20 naruto's appeared before Paul. They all charged at Paul and he just calmly said "Earth style: Explosive stone body replacement. Naruto struck the now standing still Paul. But this wasn't Paul anymore it was an highly volatile Boulder in the form of Paul, which when Naruto hit it it exploded, sending Naruto flying back again. Paul appeared behind Sasuke and had a kunai at his throat. "One move and the kid gets it." Paul threatens with a bloodlust look in his brown eyes. Everyone except Zabuza, Paul, and Sasuke gasped as they saw what kind of predicament they were in.
"The old man for the brat, that's all we want." Paul says not once loosening his hold on the Uchiha. "Alright, fine I'll trade myself." The bridge builder says in despair as he begins to walk over to Paul and Sasuke, Naruto stops him. " No! I won't let you do this to us!" Naruto yells in a shaky voice. Suddenly Red chakara surrounds Naruto as the nine tailed fox begins to influence Naruto's actions. Naruto charges towards Paul at unbelievable speed and punches him square in the face, Knocking him back into Zabuza who is forced to release his hold on the hydro prison as they both fall back onto the lake. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOU FUCKING BRAT!" Zabuza yells towards Naruto before Kakashi appears before the two brothers. "If you want them you'll have to kill me first. "Fine Zabuza says as he throws a punch towards Kakashi who using his Sharingan catches it. "Zabuza your not gonna be able to beat this guy in this state you used a lot of your chakra on the prison. Also his Sharingan is too advanced he'd get in your head and make you go insane practically. His mimicry would be perfect and exactly on time with your Jutsu, it would be a stalemate until you ran out of chakra." Paul says due to his knowledge and interest in Kekkei genkai, particularly the Sharingan. "We will get them later cmon!" "GOD DAMN IT!" Zabuza yells when he accepts the fact Paul was right and they both shunshined away.

     "We need to send a letter back to the leaf village telling them this is no longer a c ranked mission and we will need reinforcements." Kakashi said to squad 7. Squad 7 was later accompanied by 3 more elite Jounin and the bridge was built with no further problems from the momochi brothers, Who now saw the bridge builder was untouchable and stormed back to the Mist Village and when they got there they were needed by the Mizukage. "You two have been put on probation from your duties as a ninja for dealing with Gato,and trying to stop the bridge In the land of waves from being built." The Mizukage scolded. Paul and Zabuza are outraged by this but know better than to try and harm the Mizukage. "If you are to go to on another mission you will be exiled from Kirikagure and declared rogue nin, do you understand?" He added. "Yes lord Mizukage." the Momochi brothers quickly said. "You are dismissed." The Momochi brothers went to their house packed up all their things and decided to leave the village never to return. They went the only place they could think of... Konohagakure.

Wow I didn't think I would get these chapters up in such a quick time, but since school starts tomorrow for me again don't expect me to be this active sorry but that's the truth.

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