A new beginning

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(Are you expecting something here...? Too bad!)

"So we are really going to the leaf village? We should just join the akutsuki, I know a guy named kisame in there." Zabuza said. "No, That's the first place the mist village would look for us." Paul told Zabuza. "Why the fuck would they look for us!" Zabuza demanded. Paul pulls out a scroll that belonged to the leaf village. "This was stolen from the leaf village by one of its own genin as a gift to the mist village and now we!" He emphasized "are bringing it back to the leaf village as a gift." Paul explained.
Zabuza understands as he mutters under his breath about this being a dumb plan and the stupid leaf village.

A couple hours past and the sun is now high in the sky as Paul points to a clearing in the trees. "It looks like we are here, don't start shit with them."

Two average height males wearing green vests and packing a lot of ninja  equipment are stationed at the leaf village border. One of them had a white band over the bridge of his nose and  black spiky hair along with a small goatee, the other had a cap and  black spiky hair pointing down. "Stop right there. "Izumo said whipping out a kunai while his best friend Kotetsu pulled out a mace with a giant spiked shellfish looking thing at the end of it.

"Relax we are from the mist village seeking asylum here." Paul says calmly . "To prove it, we brought this forbidden scroll back." Paul explains handing over the scroll.

As the two leaf village jounin look at the scroll they see everything is ok and there are no signs of duplication or tampering. Izumo hands back the scroll and says to Kotetsu. "We should take this and them to the hokage and see what he thinks." "Follow us" they tell Paul and Zabuza as the four elite ninja make their way through the village at a fast pace, only stopping at the door to the hokage's office.

"He's in there," Kotetsu said pointing to the door. "Lord Hokage you have two visitors." He says from one side of the door. A reply comes soon after as everyone hears an old mans voice say "send them in Kotetsu."
Paul and Zabuza enter the room to see it barely looks anything different than the kazekage's room. They look to the chair by the end at the far side of the room and see an old aged man wearing the traditional hokage robes and hat, he also has a white pointy beard. " Hello," he says smiling. "How can I help you?" Zabuza hands over the forbidden scroll and Paul says to him. "Pardon the intrusion Lord Hokage, but we were kicked out of the mist village and our only thought was to come here and start again as leaf ninja,we also brought back this as a gift for the trouble we might cause." Paul says motioning towards the scroll on the desk. "I'm Paul Momochi and this is my brother Zabuza Momochi. Being former jounin of the hidden mist village have both highly trained in water style jutsu." The hokage puts his hand up and hands Paul and Zabuza each their own leaf village jounin vests and forehead protectors. "Welcome to the leaf village." He tells them. "Paul, you will be an instructor of a genin squadron and will train them in water techniques and such," Paul nods grateful for the job. "and Zabuza since you don't really seem like a people person I'll put you on missions for the leaf village you can pick a team of other not already occupied jounin or go solo the choice is yours, I'll have an assignment for you in a couple days please see me then. Paul the squad leader apartments are on the west side of the village and your squad will be waiting to begin starting in two days just outside the forest. I hope this will be enough time for you to get settled in to your new home which will be an apartment down by the south side of the village." The hokage instructs. The momochi brothers bow, thank the hokage for his hospitality, and exit the the office to go to their new apartment so they can get settled in.

I hope you people liked this chapter and if your wondering who the team of genin is I WILL NEED 3 OC'S FROM ANYONE TO FORM THE TEAM OF GENIN WHO WANT TO LEARN WATER TECHNIQUES (yes I know it's weird for the leaf village to study water techniques but it's my story don't like it don't read it.) please comment them in this chapter or the next or I will have to pick some of the rookie 9 and get rid of one of the senseis and that would be horrible.

Brothers and broken bondsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt