Chapter 5

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Sorry about the change to Paul's job (if that's what you call it) but I couldn't really come up with 3 different genin characters and it would seem silly to have water techniques taught in the leaf village. So yeah sorry.

The following morning Paul and Zabuza awoke to the sound of a knocking on the door. Paul quickly got dressed and answered the door to see the third hokage standing right outside their door. "Your up early," Paul started. "What's going on?" He asked.
"Well due to the rule that nations aren't allowed to teach jutsus created by other nations to their students. You will no longer have a ninja squad to train, instead you will a leaf shinobi assigned high rank missions with other jounin and advanced chunin mostly dealing with the akutsuki and Orochimaru."
Sarutobi informed Paul. "Alright when do I start?" "Your first assignment will be an S rank missions and your comrades will be waiting for you just outside the village gate in an hour, good luck." The third hokage said as he turned and headed back towards his office.

This 1 hour time skip is brought to you by the magic of double rainbows.

Paul is heading towards the village gate when he sees someone who caused him and his brother trouble in their previous mission. However due to the fact he doesn't want to start trouble in his new home, he decides to be friendly and hope he isn't recognized. "Hey, are you guys going on this mission too?." Paul asks Kakashi and the guy with green tights and orange leg weights on. Before might guy could even blink, Kakashi had Paul up against the village gate with a kunai against his throat. Earning a concerning look from Guy. "What are you doing here?" Kakashi questions. "So you noticed me, eh Kakashi? look up here," Paul says slowly pointing to his forehead protector, not wanting to have his throat cut. "Also who was it that didn't hurt any of your students even the rather arrogant, short tempered one, and... spared your life. Oh cmon 2 jounin on 1 with our mission target practically undefended. Even with your almost completed Sharingan, if I wanted to I could have taken you out with my brother, so don't give me that look." Paul adds seeing the doubt in Kakashi's eyes. "I didn't intend for us to be teammates but the third hokage assigned me so orders are orders.

Paul quickly grabbed the kunai out of Kakashi's hand and puts it back in his comrade's ninja pouch. "My brother and I were exiled from Kirikagure because we took that mission." Paul explains. "Does that clear things up?" Paul asks. "Yeah thanks, now let me brief you on this mission, we are going to find out where Orochimaru's lair is, our latest Intel tells us he's currently in the hidden sound village in the land of rice paddies." Kakashi told Paul before he took out his book. "Alright what are we waiting on?" Paul asks somewhat impatiently. "Actually she's right there." He says pointing to a female walking towards them. She had a long brown ponytail and was wearing a green vest like kakashi and guy on top of a black tight shirt followed closely by three wolfs. "Hello Kakashi, guy," Hana says acknowledging the two jounin, while one of her wolves growls menacingly at Paul and barks to its master. "Yes I know, don't worry he's one of us now." She says calming the wolf. " It has been a while Paul." She says with a smile. "Wow they've grown a lot," Paul says looking towards the wolfs. "And yeah it has, about 6-7 years right? How you been I haven't seen you since that mission in the land of earth." Paul says grinning.

"I hate to break up the reunion between you two but we should get going if we want to get back before the chunin exams in a week." Kakashi interrupted. "Alright let's go with the power of youth!" Guy yelled as the four elite ninja headed for the land of rice paddies.

I hope you (yes you, not the person sitting next to you, but you) liked this chapter and will comment what you thought or if you have any suggestions.

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