2: Player Or Bad Boy

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Side Note: Camila is meant to be pronouced "Kah-ME-Lah"  and therefore her nickname Mila is naturally pronouced as "ME-Lah"

Chapter 2: Player Or Bad Boy?

            I chose Marshall.

            If it’s one thing I didn’t trust in this world, it was Fate, and to determine something as important as my future career, I wasn’t going to let anyone – or anything – take control of it. Still, Todd tossed that quarter in the air; though I didn’t ask him which guy Fate wanted me to go after, and because of my lack of curiosity, he didn’t bother to tell me either.

            At school the next day, I quickly sought out Marriah Kendrick the moment I entered the building. Besides Todd, I had no other friends in school, but Marriah was often someone I could confide in since she was just as serious and goal-orientated as I was. An antisocial Goth with purple streaks in her shoulder-length, black hair, she had a niche for snooping and was the only member in the newspaper club.

            “It’s impossible.” I made a face. Marriah’s always spoken in a deep, depressing tone and it couldn’t get any worse since she was always extremely pessimistic to top it off.

            “I didn’t even say anything yet.”

            “You didn’t?” She closed her locker which she had personally decorated with Halloween decorations since the beginning of September. It was now the beginning of May, not to mention we were going to graduate in less than 2 months, but who am I to question her personal taste. “How unfortunate.”

            “Enough with the small talk,” I said, pressing my back against the metal locker beside hers. “I need to find a guy named Marshall Pittsburgh.”

            Marriah didn’t ask me why. Instead, she turned to me and raised one lazy eyebrow in curiosity. “Impossible,” she droned with that apathetic moan. “He’s constantly surrounded by half-naked zombies. You’ll die if you go in alone.”

            “I have to try. It’s important.”

            “Don’t be stupid!” She screamed. “You’re just sacrificing yourself!”

            “I don’t mean to be rude, but really? What the hell are you guys doing?” I tuned my attention away from Marriah and watched Todd walk up to us with an uneasy expression. “What is this? Some kind of dark, war comedy?”

            “I asked Marriah to help me find Marshall,” I explained. “I don’t even know what he looks like, and if it’s anyone that knows the schedule of everybody else on campus, it’s Marriah.”

            Todd gave me a look of uncertainty. “And why would Marriah help you with something like this?” He turned to her. “Do you even know why Camila’s looking for Marshall?”

            “To destroy him.”

            I looked away and pretended I didn’t hear. Everybody has their own problems.

            Todd, on the other hand, blew up at Marriah’s remark – so much that his cheeks ignited and his freckles disappeared. “What?! Why would you even think that?!”

            Marriah replied with the same absentminded tone, her eyelids paused halfway like she was only semi awake. “Creatures of the Light must fade into the darkness or become one of our own.”

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