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~Johnnie's POV~

I stop throwing shit around. I walk into the bathroom and shakily opening the cabinet I search for pills. 

I can't do this. Not until I know Alex is ok. I place the pills on my night stand and cry myself to sleep. 

The next day I wake up. It was 10 am. I wipe the dry tears from my face and take a deep breath. I hear a knock on my door. 

"C-come in," I say stuttering a little.

Bryan walk in and sits next to me on the bed. 

"Ok..the hospital called.....she's alive but barely breathing. She's on suicide watch until further notice.  She will be forced to attend a support group to work out her anxiety and depression. In other words you'll barely be able to see her at all. They said we can go and visit," He says. The news hit me and I felt as if it was all my fault. In fact it was. I sigh.

"Can we go and see her?" I say longing to see her beautiful eyes and her bright hair maybe even hear her soft voice. I highly doubt she'd want to talk to me though. 

"Yeah...get dressed," He says standing and leaving the room. I get dressed. We get into his car and drive towards the hospital. We arrive and we walk up to the front desk.

"Uh yeah....I was you know the room number of Alex Dorame?" I ask. Saying her last name felt weird. 

"Oh yeah sure hold on," She says smiling looking onto the computer. She looks up.

"Room 206," She says.

"Thanks," I mutter walking away. We arrive in front of the door. Room 206. I'm so scared and anxious. 

I open the door and take a deep breath bracing myself. 

She was connected to so many tubes and she was laying on her side facing towards the windows not knowing our presence yet.

"Uh...hey Alex," Bryan says. She switches sides looking over at us. 

"Hey BRYAN," She says emphasizing on Bryan. She doesn't make any eye contact with me. 

"Look Alex, I'm truly and deeply sorry about it all. I don't know how I can make it up to you," I say.

She rolls her eyes. "You can't....we're through Johnnie. You fucked some bitch you obviously loved way more than me and that's fine," She says. 

"Alex..." I say. She's silent. Years fill her eyes but she quickly wipes them. 

"I'm kind of glad I'm on suicide watch.... a-and in a support group.... and in the hospital because at least I don't have to talk to you. Have fun with your new girlfriend. She looks like a slut. IJust your type. I mean you did always want to have sex with me but hey I guess I can be replaced. Sorry I couldn't fulfill your needs," She says. She was throughly pissed. 

"A-Alex...I swear....I-It was all an accident," I say. I was basically pleading for her forgiveness. She was never angry. She always forgave everybody so easily. I had broken her. I had broken her trust. Something hard to earn from her. 

"So you having sex with some girl was all an accident? Oh yeah. You just happened to 'fall onto her bed' and happened to 'get naked' in the process. Right. I totally understand." 

I bit my lip. I don't know what to do at this point. I had seriously fucked up.

"Look Johnnie I'll always be pissed. Get over that fact. Live your life. Don't kill yourself over me because that's stupid. You aren't forgiven and won't be," She says breaking the small silence. 

"When do you have your first uh support group meeting?" Bryan asks.

"Tomorrow. I'm still going to be under suicide watch so I'll have fun in a confined space away from everyone and everything," She says with a sigh.  "I-I thought..I could trust you. I trusted you with everything.Then you go and do this shit? Johnnie. I will shut up about it but you've broken my trust and that's one of the toughest things to earn from me," She says flipping back towards the window. 

She probably wouldn't want to talk anymore so we both end up leaving. I felt so bad. I had messed it all up. We were both finally at a point of happiness. I guess all good things come to an end. 

~Alex's POV~

They finally leave. I wipe my tears from my face.

"Don't let him get the best of you...he fucked doesn't matter anymore," I mutter to myself taking deep breaths. 

This is all going to suck so bad. Between the support group and the suicide watch I can't do anything fun. Who even likes going to support groups? They're so stupid.

((THAT WAS A HEAVY CHAPTER BRUH! It was a bit longer not by much but I'm trying to make longer chapters. Go follow my twitter: RazzberryJamm and my Instagram: youtuber_outlinez. So did you like it? Let me know! New chapter coming out in a couple more days ^.^))

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